Bible Stories

The story of joseph’s coat of many colors – जोसेफ के कई रंगों के कोट की कहानी

The story of Joseph’s coat of many colors is a well-known biblical narrative found in the Book of Genesis, chapters 37, 39-47. It tells the tale of Joseph, a favored son of Jacob, who receives a special coat and faces the envy and betrayal of his brothers. 

Joseph was the eleventh son of Jacob, but he was the firstborn of Rachel, Jacob’s favored wife, which made Joseph particularly dear to him. Jacob made a richly ornamented coat for Joseph, often described as a “coat of many colors.” This coat was a symbol of Jacob’s favoritism towards Joseph and it caused jealousy and resentment among Joseph’s brothers.

Joseph had dreams that further fueled the animosity of his brothers. In one dream, Joseph’s sheaf of grain stood upright while his brothers’ sheaves gathered around and bowed to his. In another dream, the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowed down to him. These dreams suggested that Joseph would rule over his family, which made his brothers hate him even more, and even his father rebuked him for these dreams.

Joseph’s brothers, fueled by jealousy, conspired against him. When Joseph came to check on his brothers in the fields at their father’s request, they seized the opportunity to get rid of him. Initially, they planned to kill him but later decided to sell him to a caravan of Ishmaelite traders heading to Egypt.

Joseph was sold into slavery for twenty pieces of silver. The brothers then took Joseph’s coat, dipped it in goat’s blood, and presented it to their father, leading Jacob to believe that Joseph had been killed by a wild animal.

In Egypt, Joseph was sold to Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officials. Despite his circumstances, Joseph excelled because of his hard work and God’s presence in his life. However, after being falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, he was imprisoned.

In prison, Joseph gained a reputation for interpreting dreams. Eventually, he was called upon to interpret Pharaoh’s troubling dreams, which he explained foretold seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Impressed by Joseph’s wisdom, Pharaoh made him a high official, responsible for preparing Egypt for the coming famine.

During the famine, Joseph’s brothers came to Egypt seeking food. They did not recognize Joseph, but he recognized them. After a series of tests, Joseph revealed his identity. He forgave his brothers for their betrayal and invited his entire family to live in Egypt in comfort.

The story of Joseph’s coat of many colors is more than a tale of jealousy and reconciliation; it’s a story of faith, perseverance, and divine providence. It illustrates how adversity and suffering can be transformed into strength and leadership, and it shows the power of forgiveness and redemption.


The story of joseph’s coat of many colors –

जोसेफ के कई रंगों के कोट की कहानी

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