Bible Stories

The story of jesus eating supper in bethany – बेथानी में यीशु के रात्रि भोजन करने की कहानी

The story of Jesus eating supper in Bethany is a significant event recorded in the Gospels, showcasing moments of fellowship, devotion, and foreshadowing of His impending sacrifice. This event takes place shortly before Jesus’ crucifixion and is notable for the expressions of love and gratitude shown towards Him.

Jesus arrived in Bethany, a small village near Jerusalem, six days before the Passover. Bethany was the home of His dear friends, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Lazarus had previously been raised from the dead by Jesus, a miraculous event that had drawn much attention and increased Jesus’ following. This supper was held in honor of Jesus, possibly as a celebration of Lazarus’s resurrection and as a way to show their love and gratitude towards Him.

The supper took place at the house of Simon the Leper, another individual whom Jesus had healed. The gathering included Jesus’ disciples, His friends Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, and other followers. Martha, true to her character, was serving the meal, demonstrating her dedication to hospitality and care.

During the meal, Mary performed a profound act of devotion. She took a costly jar of pure nard, an expensive perfume, and poured it on Jesus’ feet. Then, she wiped His feet with her hair. The fragrance of the perfume filled the entire house, symbolizing the depth and richness of her love and worship.

The perfume was incredibly valuable, worth a year’s wages. By anointing Jesus with it, Mary was expressing her willingness to give up something precious for Him. Using her hair to wipe Jesus’ feet was an act of great humility and devotion. In Jewish culture, a woman’s hair was considered her glory, and Mary used her glory to honor Jesus. Jesus interpreted Mary’s act as a preparation for His burial, indicating His awareness of His impending death.

Judas Iscariot, one of Jesus’ disciples, criticized Mary’s action, arguing that the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor. His objection, however, was insincere, as he was known to be dishonest and often stole from the group’s funds.

Jesus defended Mary, telling Judas to leave her alone and affirming that she had done a beautiful thing. He acknowledged the importance of caring for the poor but emphasized that His time with them was limited. Mary’s act of love and sacrifice was timely and appropriate, given the imminent events.

The anointing was symbolic of Jesus’ preparation for burial, underscoring the gravity of the upcoming Passion. The event highlighted the stark contrast between Mary’s genuine devotion and Judas’s hypocrisy. Jesus declared that wherever the Gospel would be preached, Mary’s act of devotion would be remembered, ensuring her legacy of love and sacrifice.

The supper in Bethany is a powerful story that encapsulates themes of love, sacrifice, and devotion. It serves as a reminder of the profound acts of faith and love that were part of Jesus’ ministry and the differing responses of those around Him. Mary’s act of anointing Jesus not only honored Him but also prepared the hearts of His followers for the events that were to unfold in the coming days.


The story of jesus eating supper in bethany – बेथानी में यीशु के रात्रि भोजन करने की कहानी

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