Bible Stories

7 ways to know God’s will in your life –

7 ways to know God’s will in your life


What is God’s will for my life, and how can I know it? In the life of people who believe in God, at some point or the other, the question must have come in everyone’s mind that what is the will of God in their life. Or how can I know the will of God in my life. In today’s article, we will see the same thing that how we can know the will of God.

To know the will of God one has to pray (Mark 14:36)


Many a times we get stuck in such a decision-making process where we don’t understand what to do. Our body says something and our soul says something else. A big war is going on in the mind. We feel a bit of pressure. The brain doesn’t work.
Perhaps something similar was happening with the Lord Jesus. When he had to endure the painful death of the cross. He was getting restless in his mind when he prays with his disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane. If you are a father, take this cup away from me… but not mine, but your will be done…(Mark 14:36)
When our mind is also disturbed like this. Decision making becomes difficult. And if we want to know and fulfill the perfect will of God, then we should also pray to Him wholeheartedly. God will surely guide us.


The will of God can be known through the words of God (James 1:5)

The word of God itself is powerful and written by the inspiration of God, it is like a guide for every human race. By reading this we can know the will of God. It is the lamp for our feet and the light for the path. (Psalm 119:105)
Like street light or motorcycle head light, it does not get light for many kilometers, but if we move forward in that light, then even in extreme darkness one can reach from one city to another.

If we lack wisdom, God can give us wisdom without scolding us, without rebuking us, God helps us through the Holy Spirit when we read the words. So that we can make the right decisions and walk in the path God wants to lead.

To know the will of God, some common desires have to be fulfilled. (1 Thessalonians 4:3)


Reading the Bible, it is known that some of God’s wills are for all mankind. Which we can also call general desires. Just as it is the will of God that we all become holy as He Himself is holy. (1 Thessalonians 4:3) And it is God’s will that we all thank God (1 Thessalonians 5:18) to glorify Him for whom He created all of us mankind.
Let us do good to one another (1 Peter 2:15). God also wants none of us to be lost or perished. (Matthew 18:14) And God’s greatest desire is for all mankind that we all have eternal life. (John 6:40) For which the Lord Jesus came to this earth.

Sacrifice one’s will to do God’s will (Matthew 26:39)

It is not possible that you want to fulfill your own wish and are also seeking God’s will. Like a young girl said to the Lord in prayer, Lord, I will marry Rahul only, but God, you tell me your wish that whom I should marry.
Lord Jesus prayed, Not as I wish, but as you wish it to be. Where our desire completely ends. That is where the will of God begins.

When we start doing God’s will then we feel a wonderful peace of mind. Whether it is physical trouble or facing financial constraints, but God gives such a peace which is beyond comprehension in our mind. Then we must understand that we are walking in the perfect will of God. (Col. 3:15)

With the renewing of our minds, we can know the will of God (Romans 12:2)

In the Bible, the servant of God, Saint Paul writes to the church of Romeo, “With the renewal of your intellect (mind), your conduct may also change, so that you may know by experience the good and perfect will of God.
King Solomon to whom God had given great wisdom as a boon. He also says not to rely on your intellect, but to trust in God with all your heart, then He will find a straight path for you (Proverbs 3:5) To find a straight path means to grant your will.

I was a clothing merchant before serving the Lord and when I received God’s call in a prayer meeting, there was a great battle going on in my mind since that time, what should I do.
Whether I should stop my business or not go for the service of the Lord or not. What will happen next? How will it happen…what will happen to my family…but when I prayed for this topic and moved on, God started opening the way…

And today even after almost 20 years, I am able to serve him happily. Every day the Lord started talking to me through his word and my mind started getting new…old things started to pass away. Nature began to change.

Knowing the will of God with the help of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:27)

Lord Jesus has promised us that after his death, that is, after his ascension, he will send the Holy Spirit to help us, who will help us. The Holy Spirit also examines our minds, what is the intention of our hearts and makes requests for us according to the will of God. (Romans 8:27)
The Holy Spirit also teaches us to pray with a sigh. Lord Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, he will take you from my words and tell you. The Holy Spirit reveals the will of God to us in prayer. As God’s servant Daniel had to explain the meaning of the king’s dream, the Holy Spirit helped him and he was able to tell the meaning of the king’s dream.


The will of God can be known by consulting the saints (Acts 15:2)

Holy people means those who are your leaders in the Lord or are living according to the word of God. You can also know the command of God in your life by taking advice from them.
There have been many people who have lived according to the will of God and when they give advice, they give advice according to the will of God. Just as Saint Paul tells the church, follow me because I walk in the way of Christ. He also gives advice to young Timothy. So in this way we can confirm God’s will by consulting God’s servants also.

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