Bible Stories

World after the flood – बाढ़ के बाद की दुनिया

The story of the world after the Flood is found in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament, specifically in Genesis chapters 6-9.

* Wickedness and the Decision to Flood the Earth: The story begins with the increasing wickedness and corruption of humanity on the earth. Seeing the evil deeds of humankind, God decides to bring a flood to cleanse the earth and start anew.

* Noah and the Ark: God chooses Noah, a righteous man, to build an ark to save himself, his family, and a remnant of every kind of land-dwelling animal. Noah faithfully follows God’s instructions and constructs the ark, which is large enough to accommodate the animals and sustain them during the flood.

* The Flood: As the floodwaters cover the earth, rain falls for forty days and forty nights. The waters also gush up from the springs of the deep, submerging the entire earth in water. All living beings outside the ark perish in the flood, while Noah and those with him are safe inside the ark.

* Covenant and the Rainbow: After the floodwaters recede, Noah and his family, along with the animals, emerge from the ark. Noah builds an altar and offers sacrifices to God. Pleased with Noah’s faithfulness, God establishes a covenant with him, promising never to destroy the earth by a flood again. As a sign of this covenant, God sets a rainbow in the sky.

* Post-Flood Repopulation: Noah and his family repopulate the earth. They receive God’s blessing to be fruitful and multiply. Noah’s sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, become the ancestors of different nations and peoples.

* Noah’s Legacy: Noah is regarded as a righteous man and is considered the second father of humanity after Adam. The story of the Flood and Noah’s obedience serve as a reminder of God’s judgment on wickedness and the importance of righteousness and faithfulness.

The story of the world after the Flood in the book of Genesis portrays a fresh start for humanity and the establishment of a covenant between God and Noah. It highlights themes of judgment, salvation, and the opportunity for renewal and obedience to God’s commands.

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