Bible Stories

Why the ten commandments are important to god? – भगवान के लिए दस आज्ञाएँ क्यों महत्वपूर्ण हैं?

The Ten Commandments were spoken to Moses in God’s own voice and then later written on two tablets of stone by the very finger of God. They are extremely important to God. After Moses destroyed the tablets inscribed by God, he made Moses write new ones, just like the ones he had written himself.

Moses destroyed the tablets in his anger. His breaking of the tablets was symbolic of the laws of God being broken in the hearts of his people. Moses had righteous anger at the sight of sin. Anger at sin is a sign of spiritual health. It is appropriate to experience righteous anger. However, we should always be careful that it does not lead us to sin.

The Ten Commandments are the first part of God’s law system. In essence, they are a summary of the hundreds of laws found in the Old Testament Law. Designed to guide Israel into a life of practical holiness, the Ten Commandments offer basic rules of behavior for spiritual and moral living.

The Hebrew meaning of Ten Commandments is literally “ten words.” The Greek translation gives us our word decalogue, referring to the moral law. In general, the first four commandments are directed toward God and our obligations to him. The next six focus on our duties toward other people in the community. Together, the ten serve to create a community devoted to one God that is characterized by social justice.

Today, these laws still instruct us, expose sin, and show us God’s standard. According to Romans 2:14-15, the Lord has written his law on the hearts of all men. But, without the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, we are utterly helpless to live up to God’s holy standard.


Why the ten commandments are important to god? –

भगवान के लिए दस आज्ञाएँ क्यों महत्वपूर्ण हैं?

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