Bible Stories

Why moses ran away story – मूसा क्यों भाग गया कहानी

In the ancient land of Egypt, the Hebrews were enslaved and subjected to harsh conditions under the rule of Pharaoh. Among these Hebrews was a woman named Jochebed, who gave birth to a baby boy during a time when Pharaoh had decreed that all newborn Hebrew boys were to be killed. To save her son, Jochebed placed him in a basket and set it afloat on the Nile River, praying for his safety.

The basket drifted down the river and was discovered by Pharaoh’s daughter. Moved by the baby’s cries and beauty, she decided to adopt him, naming him Moses, which means “drawn out of the water.” Thus, Moses was raised in the palace, enjoying the privileges and education of Egyptian royalty, yet his Hebrew heritage was never forgotten.

As Moses grew older, he became increasingly aware of the suffering of his people. Despite his life of luxury, he could not ignore the plight of the Hebrews, who were forced into backbreaking labor and treated with cruelty. One day, while visiting his people, Moses saw an Egyptian taskmaster brutally beating a Hebrew slave. Anger and a sense of justice welled up within him, and he intervened, striking the Egyptian down and killing him.

Moses looked around and, seeing no one, he buried the Egyptian’s body in the sand, believing his act had gone unnoticed. However, the next day, he saw two Hebrews fighting and tried to stop them. One of them pushed him away and said, “Who made you a ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?”

Moses realized that his deed was known, and fear gripped him. He knew that if Pharaoh found out, his life would be in grave danger. Indeed, when Pharaoh learned of the incident, he sought to kill Moses. With no other option, Moses fled from Egypt to escape the wrath of Pharaoh.

He journeyed to the land of Midian, far from the reach of Pharaoh’s power. There, Moses sat by a well, weary and unsure of his future. While resting, he encountered the daughters of Jethro, a Midianite priest, who had come to draw water for their father’s flock. Some shepherds tried to drive them away, but Moses stood up and helped them, drawing water for their sheep.

Impressed by his kindness and courage, Jethro invited Moses to stay with his family. Moses accepted the invitation and eventually married Zipporah, one of Jethro’s daughters. He settled into a new life as a shepherd, tending to Jethro’s flocks. Although he had escaped Egypt, the memories of his people’s suffering and his own actions stayed with him.

Years passed, and Moses adapted to his life in Midian. One day, while tending the sheep near Mount Horeb, he witnessed an astonishing sight: a bush that was burning but not consumed by the flames. As he approached, God called to him from the bush, revealing that He had seen the suffering of the Hebrews and had chosen Moses to lead them out of slavery.

Though initially reluctant and full of doubt, Moses accepted God’s mission. With his brother Aaron by his side, Moses returned to Egypt to confront Pharaoh and demand the release of the Hebrews. This marked the beginning of Moses’ journey as a leader and prophet, leading to the eventual liberation of the Hebrew people and their exodus from Egypt.

Moses’ flight from Egypt was a pivotal moment that set the stage for his later role as a deliverer. His deep sense of justice, his compassion for his people, and his obedience to God’s call were crucial in shaping his destiny and the destiny of the Hebrew nation.


Why moses ran away story – मूसा क्यों भाग गया कहानी

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