Bible Stories

Three visitors of abraham story – इब्राहीम के तीन आगंतुकों की कहानी

The story of the three visitors to Abraham is described in the book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible. It is a significant event in the life of Abraham, illustrating his hospitality and the fulfillment of God’s promises. Here is the full story:

One day, as Abraham was dwelling in the region of Mamre, near Hebron, he was sitting at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. Suddenly, he looked up and saw three men standing nearby. Recognizing them as heavenly visitors, he hurried to greet them and bowed down to the ground, showing them great respect.

Abraham invited the visitors to rest under the shade of a tree while he and his wife, Sarah, prepared a meal for them. As they sat and ate, the visitors asked Abraham about his wife Sarah. They revealed that Sarah would have a son within a year, even though both Abraham and Sarah were advanced in age.

Sarah, who overheard the conversation from inside the tent, laughed within herself, finding it impossible to believe that she could bear a child at her old age. However, the visitors heard her laughter and questioned Abraham, asking why Sarah had laughed. Sarah, feeling exposed, denied laughing out of fear.

Before departing, the visitors informed Abraham about God’s intention to destroy the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah due to their great sinfulness. Abraham, concerned for his nephew Lot, who lived in Sodom, interceded on behalf of the righteous people who might be living there. He pleaded with God to spare the cities if even a small number of righteous individuals were found.

Abraham engaged in a dialogue with the visitors, repeatedly asking God to show mercy. He started with the number fifty righteous people and gradually reduced the number to ten, each time receiving God’s agreement to spare the cities for the sake of the righteous.

Ultimately, the visitors left Abraham and headed towards Sodom. Two of them, who were actually angels, arrived in Sodom to rescue Lot and his family before the destruction of the cities. They warned Lot to flee and not look back. Unfortunately, Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, becoming a warning against disobedience.

The story of the three visitors to Abraham demonstrates the importance of hospitality, faith, and the fulfillment of God’s promises. It also highlights Abraham’s compassionate and righteous nature, as he pleaded for the righteous individuals in Sodom and Gomorrah. The narrative serves as a lesson on the consequences of sin, the rewards of faithfulness, and the power of intercession.


Three visitors of abraham story – इब्राहीम के तीन आगंतुकों की कहानी

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