Bible Stories

Thistle and the cedar story – थीस्ल और देवदार की कहानी

The story of the Thistle and the Cedar is found in the Bible in 2 Kings 14:9. It is a parable or allegory that the prophet Jehoash of Israel uses to send a message to Amaziah, the king of Judah.

* The Challenge: Amaziah, the king of Judah, had challenged Jehoash, the king of Israel, to a battle. Amaziah was seeking to expand his kingdom and saw an opportunity to conquer territory from Israel.

* Jehoash’s Response: Jehoash responded to Amaziah’s challenge with a parable. He likened Amaziah to a thistle and himself to a cedar tree.

* The Parable: Jehoash told Amaziah the following parable: “A thistle in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar in Lebanon, ‘Give your daughter to my son in marriage.’ Then a wild beast in Lebanon came along and trampled the thistle underfoot.”

* The Meaning: The meaning of the parable is symbolic. Jehoash is the powerful and established cedar tree, representing the kingdom of Israel, which had a stronger and more significant position in the region. Amaziah, on the other hand, is likened to a thistle, representing the kingdom of Judah, which was seen as less significant and more vulnerable compared to Israel.

* The Warning: Through the parable, Jehoash is warning Amaziah that he is like a thistle and should not attempt to challenge the might of Israel, symbolized by the cedar. Jehoash is cautioning Amaziah against seeking to expand his territory and take on a stronger adversary.

* The Outcome: Despite the warning, Amaziah did not heed the advice and proceeded with the battle against Israel. However, Amaziah’s forces were defeated, and he was captured by Jehoash. Subsequently, Jehoash entered Jerusalem, plundered the temple and palace, and returned to Israel with treasure and hostages.

The story of the Thistle and the Cedar serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of arrogance, pride, and seeking to take on challenges beyond one’s capabilities. It illustrates the importance of understanding one’s position and not underestimating the strength of others. It also highlights the wisdom of listening to advice and considering the potential outcomes before taking action.


Thistle and the cedar story – थीस्ल और देवदार की कहानी

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