Bible Stories

The ten plagues bible story – दस विपत्तियाँ बाइबिल कहानी

The story of the ten plagues is a significant event described in the book of Exodus in the Old Testament of the Bible. It recounts the series of calamities and supernatural phenomena that were brought upon Egypt by God in response to Pharaoh’s refusal to release the Israelites from slavery. Here is a summary of the story:

* Water Turns to Blood: Moses and his brother Aaron appeared before Pharaoh and, as instructed by God, Aaron stretched out his staff over the waters of Egypt. The Nile River and all other water sources in the land turned to blood, causing fish to die, and rendering the water undrinkable.

* Frogs: Pharaoh remained obstinate, so Aaron stretched out his staff again, and the land was infested with frogs. Frogs covered Egypt, entering houses and even the beds of the Egyptians.

* Gnats or Lice: Aaron stretched out his staff, and dust from the ground turned into gnats or lice. The gnats covered both humans and animals throughout the land.

* Flies: God sent swarms of flies upon Egypt, which infested the houses and caused widespread nuisance. However, the land of Goshen, where the Israelites lived, remained unaffected.

* Livestock Disease: God afflicted the livestock of Egypt with a severe plague, causing disease and death among their animals. The livestock of the Israelites, again, remained unharmed.

* Boils: Moses and Aaron took handfuls of ashes from a furnace, threw them into the air, and the ashes became a fine dust that caused painful boils and sores to break out on both humans and animals in Egypt.

* Hail: God unleashed a devastating hailstorm that was accompanied by fire. It destroyed crops, trees, and livestock throughout Egypt, except in the land of Goshen.

* Locusts: Swarms of locusts were sent by God, covering the entire land of Egypt, devouring all remaining vegetation and crops.

* Darkness: A thick darkness covered Egypt for three days, so dense that people could not see or move about. However, the Israelites had light in their dwellings.

* Death of the Firstborn: The final and most severe plague involved the death of the firstborn in every Egyptian household. God instructed the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb, smear its blood on their doorposts, and eat it as part of a special meal known as the Passover. The Israelites were spared, as the angel of death “passed over” their homes, but the firstborn of every Egyptian family, including Pharaoh’s son, died.

These ten plagues were intended to demonstrate God’s power and persuade Pharaoh to release the Israelites from bondage. Pharaoh eventually relented after the final plague, and the Israelites were freed, marking the beginning of their exodus from Egypt and their journey towards the Promised Land. The story of the ten plagues serves as a testament to God’s deliverance and the fulfillment of His promises.


The ten plagues bible story – दस विपत्तियाँ बाइबिल कहानी

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