Bible Stories

The story of the wise gibeonites – बुद्धिमान गिबोनियों की कहानी

The story of the wise Gibeonites, found in the Book of Joshua, chapters 9 and 10, showcases their clever strategy to secure a peace treaty with the Israelites during their conquest of Canaan. Here are the key points of the story:

Under Joshua’s leadership, the Israelites have successfully conquered Jericho and Ai. The fame of their victories spreads throughout the land. The kings of Canaan hear about Israel’s victories and form a coalition to fight against them. However, the Gibeonites, who live nearby, decide to take a different approach.

The Gibeonites disguise themselves as travelers from a distant land. They wear old, worn-out clothes, carry moldy bread, and use old wineskins to create the impression that they have come from a far-off place. They come to the Israelite camp at Gilgal and request a peace treaty, claiming they have heard of the great deeds of the God of Israel and want to be allies.

The Israelites, led by Joshua, are initially suspicious but are convinced by the Gibeonites’ appearance and their story. Crucially, they do not seek the Lord’s counsel before making a decision. Joshua makes a covenant with the Gibeonites, promising to let them live. The leaders of the assembly ratify this agreement with an oath.

Three days after making the treaty, the Israelites discover that the Gibeonites are actually their neighbors, living in the land of Canaan. Joshua confronts the Gibeonites about their deception. The Gibeonites admit their actions, explaining that they feared for their lives because they knew God had commanded the Israelites to destroy all the inhabitants of Canaan.

Despite the deception, Joshua and the leaders decide to honor the peace treaty because they had sworn an oath before God. Breaking the oath would bring God’s wrath upon Israel. Joshua decrees that the Gibeonites will live, but they will serve as woodcutters and water carriers for the Israelite community and the altar of the Lord. This ensures their survival but places them in a subservient position.

The kings of the Amorites, alarmed by Gibeon’s treaty with Israel, join forces to attack Gibeon. The Gibeonites send an urgent plea to Joshua for help. Joshua leads the Israelite army to defend Gibeon. God assures Joshua of victory and intervenes by sending hailstones and causing the sun to stand still, enabling the Israelites to achieve a decisive victory over the Amorite coalition.

The Gibeonites’ actions, though deceptive, demonstrate their wisdom and resourcefulness in securing their survival amid the Israelite conquest. The story underscores the importance of seeking God’s guidance in decision-making. The Israelites’ failure to do so results in an unintended alliance. Joshua’s adherence to the peace treaty, despite the deception, highlights the importance of keeping one’s word, especially when sworn before God. The subsequent battle shows God’s continued protection and support for Israel, reaffirming His commitment to their conquest of Canaan.

The story of the Gibeonites provides valuable lessons on the use of wisdom and strategy for survival, the necessity of seeking divine guidance, and the ethical importance of honoring commitments. It also illustrates God’s mercy, as the Gibeonites, though deceitful, are spared and integrated into the community in a role of service.


The story of the wise gibeonites – बुद्धिमान गिबोनियों की कहानी

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