Bible Stories

The story of the widow baking bread for elijah – एलिय्याह के लिए विधवा की रोटी पकाने की कहानी

The story of the widow who bakes a scone (or small loaf of bread) for the prophet Elijah is found in 1 Kings 17:8-16.

During a severe drought and famine in the land of Israel, God instructed Elijah to go to the town of Zarephath, where a widow would provide for him. When Elijah arrived at the town gate, he encountered the widow gathering sticks. He asked her for a little water to drink and a piece of bread.

The widow replied that she had only a handful of flour left in a jar and a little oil in a jug. She was gathering sticks to prepare a final meal for herself and her son before they would die from starvation.

Despite her dire situation, Elijah asked her to bake him a small loaf of bread first and promised that God would provide for her and her son.

Elijah assured her that the jar of flour and the jug of oil would not run out until the Lord sent rain again on the land. Trusting in Elijah’s words, the widow did as he requested. She baked the scone for Elijah, and miraculously, her flour and oil never ran out. She, her son, and Elijah had enough food to sustain them throughout the famine.

This story highlights themes of faith, obedience, and God’s provision. The widow’s willingness to share her last meal with Elijah, despite her own desperate need, resulted in God’s miraculous supply of food for her and her household.


The story of the widow baking bread for elijah – एलिय्याह के लिए विधवा की रोटी पकाने की कहानी

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