Bible Stories

The story of the spies sent to canaan – कनान भेजे गए जासूसों की कहानी

The story of the spies sent to Canaan is recorded in the Book of Numbers, in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in Numbers 13-14. 

As the Israelites journey toward the Promised Land of Canaan, Moses, at the command of God, selects twelve men, one from each tribe, to spy out the land of Canaan. Their mission is to gather information about the land, its people, cities, and produce.

After forty days of exploration, the spies return to the Israelite camp with their report. They confirm that the land indeed flows with milk and honey and bring back samples of its fruits. However, ten of the twelve spies also report that the inhabitants of the land are strong, the cities are fortified, and the people are giants. They spread fear and discourage the Israelites from attempting to conquer the land.

Among the spies, Caleb and Joshua stand firm in their faith and belief that God will deliver the land into their hands. They encourage the people to trust in God’s promises and not fear the inhabitants of the land.

Despite Caleb and Joshua’s exhortations, the majority of the Israelites succumb to fear and rebellion. They weep, complain, and even speak of choosing a new leader to take them back to Egypt. As a consequence of their lack of faith, God declares that the Israelites will wander in the wilderness for forty years, with only Caleb and Joshua and their descendants being allowed to enter the Promised Land.

The ten spies who brought back the negative report die of a plague before the Lord, as a punishment for their disobedience and lack of faith.

The Israelites’ lack of faith leads to dire consequences, as an entire generation is condemned to wander in the wilderness until they perish. However, Caleb and Joshua’s faithfulness is rewarded, and they are assured of entering the Promised Land along with their descendants.

The story of the spies sent to Canaan serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of fear, unbelief, and disobedience, as well as the importance of trusting in God’s promises and remaining faithful to His commands.


The story of the spies sent to canaan – कनान भेजे गए जासूसों की कहानी

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