Bible Stories

The story of the silver cup discovered in benjamin’s sack – बेंजामिन की बोरी में मिले चाँदी के कप की कहानी

The story of the silver cup discovered in Benjamin’s sack is a significant episode in the life of Joseph and his brothers, found in the Book of Genesis (Genesis 44). 

After becoming the second-in-command in Egypt, Joseph encountered his brothers, who had come to Egypt to buy grain during the famine. However, they did not recognize him. Joseph tested his brothers to see if they had changed since they had sold him into slavery years earlier.

In this part of the story, Joseph’s brothers had come to Egypt for the second time, bringing their youngest brother, Benjamin, as Joseph had demanded during their first visit. After feasting with them, Joseph ordered his steward to fill their sacks with grain and secretly instructed him to place his personal silver cup in Benjamin’s sack.

The next morning, as the brothers were on their way back to Canaan, Joseph sent his steward after them. When the steward caught up with them, he accused them of stealing Joseph’s silver cup. The brothers, shocked and confident in their innocence, protested and declared that if the cup was found with any one of them, that person would become Joseph’s slave, and the rest would be blameless.

The steward searched each man’s sack, starting with the oldest and ending with Benjamin, the youngest. To the brothers’ dismay, the silver cup was found in Benjamin’s sack. In distress, the brothers tore their clothes and returned to the city to face Joseph.

When they arrived, Judah, one of the older brothers, pleaded with Joseph, offering to take Benjamin’s place as a slave. Judah explained that their father, Jacob, would be heartbroken and possibly die if Benjamin did not return home, as he had already lost another son (referring to Joseph, whom they did not realize they were speaking to).

This act of self-sacrifice demonstrated the brothers’ remorse and change of heart, which deeply moved Joseph. Eventually, Joseph could no longer keep up the ruse and revealed his true identity to his brothers. He forgave them for their past actions and invited the entire family to come and live in Egypt, where he could provide for them during the remaining years of famine.

This story highlights themes of repentance, forgiveness, and the transformative power of grace.


The story of the silver cup discovered in benjamin’s sack – बेंजामिन की बोरी में मिले चाँदी के कप की कहानी

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