Bible Stories

The story of the sheep that was lost – उस भेड़ की कहानी जो खो गई थी

The story of “The Sheep That Was Lost,” also known as “The Parable of the Lost Sheep,” is one of Jesus’ well-known parables found in the New Testament. It is recorded in both the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 18:12-14) and the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:3-7). The parable emphasizes God’s love and care for every individual, especially those who are lost or straying away from Him.

In the Gospel of Luke, the parable is part of a series of three parables that Jesus tells in response to the Pharisees and scribes criticizing Him for welcoming and eating with sinners. The other two parables are the Parable of the Lost Coin and the Parable of the Prodigal Son.

Jesus tells the story of a shepherd who has 100 sheep. One day, one of the sheep goes missing. Rather than being content with the 99 sheep that are safe and sound, the shepherd leaves them in the open country and goes out to search for the one lost sheep.

The shepherd’s focus is entirely on finding the lost sheep. He searches diligently, not giving up until he finds it.

When the shepherd finally finds the lost sheep, he joyfully places it on his shoulders and carries it back home. He then calls his friends and neighbors together to celebrate, saying, “Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.”

Jesus concludes the parable by explaining its meaning. He tells His listeners that there is more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who do not need to repent. This emphasizes the value of each individual and the great joy that God and all of heaven experience when even one person turns back to Him.

In the Gospel of Matthew, the parable is told in a slightly different context. Here, Jesus is speaking to His disciples about humility and caring for others, particularly “little ones” or those who are vulnerable.

Similar to Luke’s account, Jesus describes a shepherd with 100 sheep, one of which goes astray.

The shepherd leaves the 99 sheep on the hills and goes in search of the one that wandered off.

When the shepherd finds the lost sheep, he is happier about that one sheep than about the 99 that did not wander off.

Jesus concludes by saying that it is not the will of God for any of these “little ones” to be lost, highlighting God’s deep care for every individual, especially those who may seem insignificant or marginalized.

The parable illustrates God’s immense love and concern for those who are lost, whether they are sinners or those who have strayed from faith. It shows that God actively seeks out the lost and rejoices when they are found.

The shepherd’s willingness to leave the 99 sheep to find the one lost sheep underscores the idea that every person is valuable in God’s eyes. No one is insignificant or beyond redemption.

The parable emphasizes the joy that comes with repentance and reconciliation with God. The celebration over the found sheep reflects the heavenly joy over a sinner who repents.

The parable shows that God doesn’t wait passively for us to return to Him. Instead, He actively pursues us, seeking us out when we are lost and bringing us back to safety.

The story highlights God’s mercy and grace. Rather than condemning the lost sheep for wandering away, the shepherd (representing God) gently brings it back, showing compassion and love.

The Parable of the Lost Sheep is a powerful reminder that no matter how far someone may have strayed from the right path, they are never beyond God’s reach. It encourages believers to trust in God’s unfailing love and to seek out those who may be lost or struggling, knowing that every individual is precious in God’s sight.

This parable is often used to teach about forgiveness, redemption, and the inclusive nature of God’s kingdom, where all are welcomed back with open arms when they turn back to Him.


The story of the sheep that was lost – उस भेड़ की कहानी जो खो गई थी

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