Bible Stories

The story of the making of the Tabernacle – तम्बू के निर्माण की कहानी

The story of the making of the Tabernacle is found in the Bible, particularly in the Book of Exodus, chapters 25 to 40. The Tabernacle was a portable sanctuary built by the Israelites under the guidance of Moses during their journey in the wilderness. 

After the Israelites were liberated from slavery in Egypt, Moses ascended Mount Sinai, where he received detailed instructions from God on how to build the Tabernacle. These instructions covered the construction of the sanctuary, its furnishings, and the priestly garments.

Moses conveyed God’s instructions to the people, urging them to bring specific materials for the construction of the Tabernacle. The materials included gold, silver, bronze, fine linen, precious stones, and other offerings willingly given by the Israelites.

God appointed skilled artisans, such as Bezalel and Oholiab, and filled them with the Spirit of God to carry out the intricate work of constructing the Tabernacle and its components.

One of the central pieces was the Ark of the Covenant, a sacred chest containing the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments. The ark was to be placed in the Most Holy Place within the Tabernacle.

The Tabernacle itself was a tent-like structure made of acacia wood and covered with fine linen and animal skins. It consisted of the Holy of Holies, the Holy Place, and the outer court.

In the outer court, there was an altar of sacrifice where burnt offerings were made by the priests. The basin for ceremonial washing was also placed in the court.

Special garments were designed for the priests, including the high priest’s elaborate attire. The garments symbolized holiness and the priestly role in interceding for the people.

Once all the components were crafted, the Israelites set up the Tabernacle according to God’s instructions. The glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle, signifying His presence among the people.

The Tabernacle was dedicated with sacrifices and offerings. The priests, particularly the high priest, performed rituals and services within the sanctuary, maintaining the sacred space as a place of worship and communion with God.

The story of the making of the Tabernacle underscores the importance of obedience to God’s instructions, the voluntary contribution of materials, and the significance of God’s presence dwelling among His people.


The story of the making of the Tabernacle – तम्बू के निर्माण की कहानी

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