Bible Stories

The story of the israelites leaving egypt – इस्राएलियों के मिस्र छोड़ने की कहानी

The story of the Israelites leaving Egypt, often referred to as the Exodus, is a significant event in the Bible.

The Israelites had been living in Egypt for several centuries. Over time, they became enslaved by the Egyptian Pharaoh, who feared their growing numbers.

God called Moses, an Israelite raised in Pharaoh’s palace, to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses was initially reluctant but accepted the mission after God assured him of divine support.

To persuade Pharaoh to release the Israelites, God sent a series of ten plagues upon Egypt. Each plague demonstrated God’s power and increasingly persuaded Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. The plagues included turning water into blood, swarms of locusts, and darkness.

The final and most devastating plague was the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt. To protect the Israelites, God instructed them to mark their doorposts with lamb’s blood. This event is commemorated in the Jewish festival of Passover.

After the death of his own firstborn son, Pharaoh relented and allowed the Israelites to leave. They departed in haste, carrying unleavened bread to avoid it rising during their journey.

As the Israelites approached the Red Sea, Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued them with his army. God parted the Red Sea, allowing the Israelites to cross on dry ground. When Pharaoh’s army followed, the waters returned, drowning the Egyptians.

After the escape, the Israelites journeyed through the desert. They received the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai and faced various challenges and tests of faith.

The journey took forty years due to the Israelites’ disobedience and lack of faith. Eventually, they arrived at the edge of the Promised Land, though Moses himself did not enter.

The Exodus is a foundational story in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, symbolizing liberation and divine guidance.


The story of the israelites leaving egypt – इस्राएलियों के मिस्र छोड़ने की कहानी

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