Bible Stories

The story of the handsome foolish king – सुन्दर मूर्ख राजा की कहानी

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there was a king known for his extraordinary good looks. His subjects adored him for his charm and charisma, but beneath his handsome exterior, the king was quite foolish. Despite his appearance, he lacked wisdom and often made decisions that puzzled his advisors and the people of his kingdom.

One day, the king decided he wanted to show off his wealth and power by building the tallest tower in the world. He summoned the best architects and builders from all over the kingdom and ordered them to begin construction immediately. However, the king had no understanding of the complexity of such a project. He demanded that the tower be completed in just one month, an impossible task.

The architects and builders tried to reason with the king, explaining that building such a tower required careful planning and time. But the king, being foolish and stubborn, refused to listen. He threatened to punish anyone who failed to meet his deadline.

As the days passed, the workers toiled tirelessly, but the tower grew unstable and began to lean. The king, too proud to admit his mistake, insisted that they continue building. But on the final day, just as the tower reached its highest point, it collapsed with a thunderous crash.

The king was left humiliated, and his kingdom was in ruins. Realizing his foolishness, he finally sought the counsel of his wise advisors. They taught him the importance of patience, wisdom, and humility. From that day on, the king ruled with greater understanding, and his kingdom flourished.

The story of the handsome foolish king became a legend, reminding everyone that beauty and charm are not enough to rule a kingdom; true wisdom and humility are far more valuable.


The story of the handsome foolish king – सुन्दर मूर्ख राजा की कहानी

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