Bible Stories

The story of the great wall of nehemiah – नहेमायाह की महान दीवार की कहानी

The story of the “Great Wall of Nehemiah,” more commonly known as “Nehemiah’s rebuilding of the wall of Jerusalem,” is a significant episode from the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament, specifically found in the Book of Nehemiah. This narrative details the efforts of Nehemiah, a Jewish leader, in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem during the Persian period in the 5th century BCE. 

The story is set in the context of the Jewish exile. Following the Babylonian conquest of the Kingdom of Judah in the 6th century BCE, many Jews were taken into exile. Later, under Persian rule, some were allowed to return to their homeland.

Nehemiah was a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, a position of significant trust. He lived in Susa, the Persian capital. Nehemiah learns from his returning brethren that Jerusalem is in disrepair, its walls broken down and gates burned, leaving it defenseless and dishonored.

Deeply distressed, Nehemiah prays to God for help. He then courageously asks King Artaxerxes for permission to go to Jerusalem and rebuild its walls. The king, seeing Nehemiah’s sincerity, grants his request and provides resources for the task.

Nehemiah travels to Jerusalem and organizes the rebuilding effort. He faces opposition from local governors and critics, including Sanballat and Tobiah, but remains undeterred.

The rebuilding faces numerous challenges, including direct opposition, mockery, and threats of attack. Nehemiah implements strategic measures, like arming the builders, to counter these threats.

Despite the opposition, the wall is completed in just 52 days, a feat that Nehemiah attributes to the favor of God. The rebuilding of the walls was more than a physical restoration; it symbolized the reestablishment of Jerusalem as a fortified, functioning Jewish city. Nehemiah also enforces religious reforms to renew the community’s commitment to their faith and the laws of Moses.

The completion of the walls is celebrated with great fanfare. The people gather to read from the Book of the Law, leading to a spiritual revival among the inhabitants.

Nehemiah is portrayed as a model leader who combines practical wisdom with deep faith in God. The rebuilding is a communal effort, showcasing the cooperation and dedication of the people. The story emphasizes the importance of human initiative while relying on divine guidance and help.

The story of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls is often cited as an inspiring example of effective leadership, perseverance in the face of adversity, and the importance of faith and community in achieving significant goals.


The story of the great wall of nehemiah – नहेमायाह की महान दीवार की कहानी

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