Bible Stories

The story of the dove bringing back an olive leaf to noah’s ark – कबूतर द्वारा नूह के सन्दूक में जैतून का पत्ता वापस लाने की कहानी

The story of the dove bringing back an olive leaf to Noah’s Ark is a well-known biblical account from the Book of Genesis, which takes place during the narrative of the Great Flood.

After the earth had been covered by a flood for many days, Noah, his family, and various animals were safe inside the Ark. The rain had stopped, and the floodwaters were gradually receding. However, Noah needed to determine if the land was dry enough for them to leave the Ark.

To do this, Noah released a raven, which flew back and forth but did not return to the Ark. Then Noah decided to release a dove. The first time the dove was released, it found no place to rest and returned to the Ark. Seven days later, Noah sent the dove out again.

This time, the dove returned in the evening with a fresh olive leaf in its beak. This was a significant sign for Noah that the waters had receded enough for vegetation to begin growing again, symbolizing the restoration of life on Earth. The olive leaf brought hope that the flood was ending and that they could soon leave the Ark.

Noah waited another seven days and sent the dove out once more. This time, the dove did not return, indicating that it had found a suitable place to live, and confirming that the earth was dry and ready to inhabit.

The olive leaf brought back by the dove is often seen as a symbol of peace and renewal. It represents God’s promise to restore the earth and the hope for a new beginning after the devastation of the flood.

This story is a powerful reminder of God’s faithfulness and the new life that emerges after periods of trial and hardship.


The story of the dove bringing back an olive leaf to noah’s ark – कबूतर द्वारा नूह के सन्दूक में जैतून का पत्ता वापस लाने की कहानी

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