Bible Stories

The story of the destruction of sodom and gomorrah – सदोम और अमोरा के विनाश की कहानी

The story of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is found in the book of Genesis in the Bible (Genesis 18:16–19:29). It is a narrative that depicts the judgment of God upon two sinful cities. 

Three visitors, often identified as angels, come to Abraham near the oaks of Mamre. One of them is commonly understood to be the Lord. God informs Abraham about the impending judgment on Sodom and Gomorrah due to their grave sinfulness.

Abraham intercedes with God on behalf of the cities, asking if God would spare them if a certain number of righteous people were found. God agrees to spare the cities for the sake of the righteous.

The two angels arrive in Sodom and are welcomed by Lot, Abraham’s nephew, who invites them into his home.

The men of Sodom surround Lot’s house, demanding to have relations with the two visitors. This reflects the extreme wickedness and inhospitality of the city.

The angels reveal their divine mission to Lot and warn him of the impending destruction. Lot and his family are urged to leave the city immediately. They are told not to look back and to flee to the mountains.

As Lot and his family flee, God rains down sulfur and fire upon Sodom and Gomorrah, completely destroying them and the surrounding cities. Lot’s wife disobeys the command not to look back and becomes a pillar of salt.

God, in His mercy, remembered Abraham’s intercession and spared Lot and his daughters. They find refuge in a cave.

The story emphasizes the severe consequences of wickedness and the importance of righteousness. Sodom and Gomorrah become symbols of God’s judgment on sin.

Lot and his daughters eventually leave the cave and settle in a mountainous region. The story ends with the birth of Moab and Ammon, who become the ancestors of the Moabites and Ammonites.

The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is often cited in biblical and theological discussions about God’s judgment and the consequences of unrepentant sin.


The story of the destruction of sodom and gomorrah –

सदोम और अमोरा के विनाश की कहानी

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