Bible Stories

The story of the anointing of jesus at bethany – बेथनी में यीशु के अभिषेक की कहानी

The story of Jesus being anointed at Bethany is a significant episode in the New Testament of the Bible, appearing in the Gospels of Matthew (Matthew 26:6-13), Mark (Mark 14:3-9), and John (John 12:1-8). It is a touching account of an act of love and devotion shown to Jesus by a woman who anointed Him with expensive perfume.

The central figure of Christianity, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the Messiah. A woman who is identified as Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus in the Gospel of John but is unnamed in the other accounts. The host of the meal where the event takes place, identified as “Simon the Leper” in the Gospel of Matthew and the Gospel of Mark.

Jesus is invited to the house of Simon the Leper for a meal. During the meal, a woman comes into the room where Jesus is reclining at the table.

The woman brings an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she breaks and pours on Jesus’ head as an act of anointing. In some accounts, she also anoints His feet and wipes them with her hair.

Some of Jesus’ disciples, particularly Judas Iscariot, express indignation and question the woman’s actions, suggesting that the expensive perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor.

Jesus defends the woman’s actions, commending her for her devotion. He tells his disciples that she has anointed Him for His burial, and He highlights the significance of her act of love and faith.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus mentions that the woman’s act has a prophetic significance, as she has anointed Him beforehand for His burial.

It illustrates an act of profound love, devotion, and sacrifice shown to Jesus by the woman, symbolizing the value of heartfelt devotion in the Christian faith.

Jesus acknowledges the woman’s action as a recognition of His impending death and burial, reinforcing His identity as the Messiah who would offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity.

The story also highlights the tension between material concerns (represented by Judas) and spiritual values (represented by the woman’s act). It emphasizes the priority of spiritual matters over material possessions.

Jesus’ statement about being anointed for His burial foreshadows His crucifixion and burial, underscoring the redemptive purpose of His mission.

Overall, the story of Jesus being anointed at Bethany is a poignant and memorable moment in the Gospels, illustrating themes of devotion, sacrifice, and the recognition of Jesus’ divine mission. It continues to be a source of reflection and inspiration for Christians around the world.


The story of the anointing of jesus at bethany – बेथनी में यीशु के अभिषेक की कहानी

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