Bible Stories

The story of solomon wisdom with a baby – एक बच्चे के साथ सुलैमान की बुद्धिमत्ता की कहानी

The story of Solomon’s wisdom with a baby is a famous biblical narrative that demonstrates King Solomon’s extraordinary wisdom. It is found in the Book of 1 Kings, Chapter 3, in the Old Testament.

Solomon was the king of Israel and known for his exceptional wisdom, which was a gift from God. This story takes place during Solomon’s reign as king. Two women, who were prostitutes, approached King Solomon with a dispute. Both women had given birth to a child around the same time.

The first woman claimed that she and the second woman each had a baby around the same time. During the night, the second woman accidentally lay on her baby, causing its death. The second woman then swapped the babies, taking the living baby and giving the dead baby to the first woman.

The first woman argued that the living baby was hers, while the second woman denied the claim, insisting that the living baby was hers. King Solomon faced a difficult decision because both women claimed to be the mother of the living child. To determine the true mother, Solomon devised a clever test.

Solomon ordered his servants to bring him a sword. He then proposed to divide the living baby in two, giving each woman half of the child.

The true mother of the child immediately pleaded with Solomon not to harm the baby and offered to give up her claim so that the child could live. The other woman, however, agreed to the king’s proposal, showing a lack of concern for the child’s well-being.

Solomon recognized the true mother’s compassion for her child and awarded her custody of the living baby. The other woman, who agreed to the division of the child, revealed that she was not the true mother.

The people of Israel were in awe of Solomon’s wisdom, as demonstrated by his ability to discern the truth and make a just decision.

The story of Solomon’s wisdom with a baby is a powerful example of the king’s extraordinary discernment and ability to deliver fair judgments. It also highlights the deep love and sacrifice a mother has for her child. Solomon’s decision is celebrated as one of the most famous instances of his great wisdom and understanding.


The story of solomon wisdom with a baby –

एक बच्चे के साथ सुलैमान की बुद्धिमत्ता की कहानी

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