Bible Stories

The story of saul attempt to kill david – शाऊल द्वारा दाऊद को मारने के प्रयास की कहानी

The story of Saul’s attempt to kill David is found in the Old Testament book of 1 Samuel, specifically chapters 18 through 26.

After David’s victory over Goliath and his growing popularity among the people of Israel, King Saul became increasingly jealous of David. Saul’s jealousy turned to rage when he heard the women of Israel singing, “Saul has slain his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.” From that moment on, Saul viewed David as a threat to his throne.

Saul made several attempts on David’s life. In one instance, Saul hurled a spear at David while he was playing the harp for Saul. However, David evaded the attack. Saul then assigned David dangerous military tasks, hoping that he would be killed in battle. Yet, David succeeded and gained even more favor among the people.

Saul’s jealousy and paranoia continued to escalate, leading him to pursue David relentlessly. David fled and sought refuge in various places, including the wilderness and the stronghold of En Gedi. Despite Saul’s numerous attempts to capture or kill David, David remained faithful to God and refrained from retaliating against Saul, respecting him as the Lord’s anointed king.

Ultimately, Saul’s relentless pursuit of David ended tragically. During one of his pursuits, Saul fell into the hands of his enemies, the Philistines, and took his own life rather than be captured. Despite the trials and dangers he faced, David remained faithful to God, and eventually, he became the king of Israel after Saul’s death.


The story of saul attempt to kill david – शाऊल द्वारा दाऊद को मारने के प्रयास की कहानी

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