Bible Stories

The story of samuel anointing david – शमूएल द्वारा दाऊद का अभिषेक करने की कहानी

The story of Samuel anointing David is a significant episode in the biblical narrative, recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of 1 Samuel, chapter 16. It marks the moment when David, the youngest son of Jesse, is anointed by the prophet Samuel to be the future king of Israel, in accordance with God’s divine plan.

Saul was the first king of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel. However, due to his disobedience to God, God rejected Saul as king and instructed Samuel to anoint a new king from among the sons of Jesse.

Under God’s guidance, Samuel traveled to Bethlehem, where he would find the chosen one among Jesse’s sons. Jesse was a man from the tribe of Judah, and he had eight sons.

Upon arriving in Bethlehem, Samuel asked Jesse to present his sons. Jesse introduced his seven eldest sons to Samuel. However, God did not choose any of them to be the next king of Israel.

Samuel then asked Jesse if he had any more sons. Jesse mentioned that the youngest, David, was tending to the sheep in the fields. Samuel requested David’s presence, and when David arrived, the Lord indicated to Samuel that he was the chosen one.

In the presence of Jesse and David’s brothers, Samuel took a horn of oil and anointed David as the future king. This anointing symbolized God’s special selection and divine approval. It marked David as the one who would eventually replace Saul as king.

Following the anointing, the Spirit of the Lord came mightily upon David. This divine empowerment would enable him to carry out the tasks that God had prepared for him, including defeating Goliath and becoming a great leader of Israel.

It’s important to note that David’s anointing by Samuel was conducted in secret. While he had been anointed as the future king, he did not immediately assume the throne. Instead, he continued to serve in Saul’s court and would eventually ascend to the throne after Saul’s death.

The anointing of David by Samuel is a pivotal moment in biblical history, as it marks the beginning of David’s journey toward becoming one of the most celebrated and revered figures in the Bible. David’s life would be filled with both triumphs and challenges, and he is remembered as a great king, a poet, and a man after God’s own heart.


The story of samuel anointing david – शमूएल द्वारा दाऊद का अभिषेक करने की कहानी

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