Bible Stories

The story of rahab hiding the spies – राहाब द्वारा जासूसों को छुपाने की कहानी

The story of Rahab hiding the spies is found in the Bible in the Book of Joshua, specifically in Joshua 2. Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, Joshua, their leader, sent two spies to secretly reconnoiter the city of Jericho, located near the Jordan River.

The spies entered Jericho and lodged at the house of Rahab, a prostitute. Rahab lived in the outer wall of Jericho.

Rahab, upon learning about the spies and their mission, hid them on her roof under stalks of flax. When the king of Jericho learned about the presence of the spies in Rahab’s house, he sent messengers to her, demanding that she bring them out. Rahab, however, deceived the messengers by telling them that the spies had left the city before the gates were closed for the night. In reality, she had hidden them on her roof.

Before helping the spies escape, Rahab asked for assurance that she and her family would be spared when the Israelites attacked Jericho. The spies agreed, on the condition that she tie a scarlet cord in her window, signifying her allegiance and identifying her house.

Rahab let the spies down through a window using a rope. She instructed them to hide in the mountains for three days before returning to Joshua with their report.

Rahab tied the scarlet cord in her window as instructed. When the Israelites conquered Jericho, Rahab and her family were spared from destruction, as promised by the spies.

Rahab’s act of faith and courage in helping the Israelite spies resulted in her inclusion in the lineage of Jesus Christ. She is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, highlighting her significant role in biblical history.

The story of Rahab hiding the spies illustrates the themes of faith, courage, and redemption. Rahab’s actions demonstrated her trust in the God of Israel, and she was rewarded for her faithfulness with protection and inclusion in the lineage of Jesus.


The story of rahab hiding the spies – राहाब द्वारा जासूसों को छुपाने की कहानी

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