Bible Stories

The story of queen esther talking to the king – रानी एस्तेर की राजा से बात करने की कहानी

The story of Queen Esther talking to the king is a crucial moment in the Book of Esther, which is part of the Hebrew Bible. This tale showcases Esther’s bravery, wisdom, and devotion to her people, the Jews, who were facing imminent danger. 

Esther, a young Jewish woman, becomes queen of Persia after King Ahasuerus (commonly identified with Xerxes I) dismisses his former queen, Vashti. Esther is chosen for her beauty, but she keeps her Jewish identity a secret, as advised by her cousin and guardian, Mordecai.

Haman, the king’s prime minister, harbors a deep hatred for the Jews, especially Mordecai, who refuses to bow to him. Haman convinces King Ahasuerus to issue a decree to annihilate all Jews in the Persian Empire. The decree sets a specific date for the mass extermination.

Upon hearing about the decree, Mordecai dons sackcloth and ashes, mourning the fate of his people. He sends a message to Esther, urging her to intercede with the king on behalf of the Jews. Esther is initially hesitant, knowing that approaching the king without being summoned could result in her death.

Mordecai’s poignant words, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14), inspire Esther to take action. She requests that all Jews in Susa fast and pray for three days, and she does the same with her maids.

On the third day, Esther dresses in her royal robes and stands in the inner court of the palace, in front of the king’s hall. When the king sees her, he is pleased and extends his golden scepter to her, signaling that she may approach without fear of punishment.

Esther invites King Ahasuerus and Haman to a banquet she has prepared. At the banquet, the king asks Esther what her request is, promising to grant it, even up to half the kingdom. Esther, however, defers her request and invites them to another banquet the following day.

During the second banquet, the king repeats his question. This time, Esther reveals her Jewish identity and pleads for her life and the lives of her people. She explains that they are to be annihilated, and she has come to beg for their survival.

King Ahasuerus is outraged and demands to know who is responsible for this plot. Esther identifies Haman as the adversary. The king, furious, leaves the room. Haman, realizing his fate, begs Esther for mercy. When the king returns and finds Haman pleading with Esther, he interprets it as an assault on the queen. The king orders Haman to be executed on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai.

Although Haman is dead, the decree to annihilate the Jews still stands, as Persian laws cannot be revoked. King Ahasuerus allows Esther and Mordecai to issue a new decree, permitting the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies. On the appointed day, the Jews successfully defend themselves, and the threat is averted.

To commemorate their deliverance, the Jews establish the festival of Purim. This celebration involves feasting, giving gifts, and charity to the poor. The story of Esther is read aloud, reminding Jews of their survival and the bravery of Queen Esther.

Queen Esther’s courageous decision to speak to the king, risking her own life, showcases her as a true heroine in Jewish history. Her actions not only saved her people from destruction but also established an enduring legacy of faith, bravery, and divine providence. The story of Esther is celebrated annually during Purim, highlighting the themes of courage, identity, and the triumph of good over evil.


The story of queen esther talking to the king – रानी एस्तेर की राजा से बात करने की कहानी

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