Bible Stories

The story of peter bringing dorcas back to life – पीटर द्वारा दोरकास को दोबारा जीवित करने की कहानी

The story of Peter bringing Dorcas (also known as Tabitha) back to life is found in the New Testament, in the Book of Acts, chapter 9, verses 36-43.

In the coastal town of Joppa, there was a woman named Dorcas who was well known for her acts of charity and kindness, especially making clothing for the needy. However, Dorcas became ill and died.

Meanwhile, in a nearby town of Lydda, the apostle Peter was told that Dorcas had died. The disciples in Joppa, knowing that Peter was nearby, sent two men to him with an urgent message, urging him to come to them without delay.

Peter responded to the message and went with the men to Joppa. Upon his arrival, he was taken to the upper room where Dorcas’ body was laid out. Many widows stood around Peter, crying and showing him the robes and other clothing that Dorcas had made while she was still alive.

Peter asked everyone to leave the room, and he knelt down and prayed to God. Then, turning toward the body, he said, “Tabitha, get up.”

Dorcas opened her eyes, and when she saw Peter, she sat up. Peter helped her to her feet and presented her to the widows and other believers, showing that she was alive.

News of the miraculous event spread quickly throughout Joppa, and many people believed in the Lord as a result.

This miracle of Peter bringing Dorcas back to life demonstrated the power of God through the apostles. It also emphasized the importance of compassion and service, as Dorcas was known for her acts of charity and kindness toward others.


The story of peter bringing dorcas back to life – पीटर द्वारा दोरकास को दोबारा जीवित करने की कहानी

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