Bible Stories

The story of peter being delivered from prison – पतरस को जेल से छुड़ाए जाने की कहानी

The story of Peter being delivered from prison is recounted in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Acts, chapter 12, verses 1-19. King Herod Agrippa I, seeking to gain favor with the Jewish religious leaders, arrests several members of the early Christian community, including the apostle Peter. Peter is put in prison, guarded by soldiers, with the intention of being brought to trial after the Passover.

While Peter is in prison, the church in Jerusalem fervently prays for his deliverance. They gather together and intercede for Peter’s safety and release.

During the night before Peter’s scheduled trial, an angel of the Lord appears in the prison cell. The angel strikes Peter on the side, waking him up, and instructs him to get up quickly and follow him. As Peter obeys, the chains fall off his wrists, and the angel leads him out of the prison.

Peter follows the angel out of the prison, passing by the guards and the iron gate, which opens for them of its own accord. They walk through the city streets until they reach the outer gate of the prison compound, where the angel suddenly departs.

Peter realizes that the Lord has miraculously delivered him from prison. He goes to the house of Mary, the mother of John Mark, where many believers have gathered for prayer.

When Peter knocks at the door, a servant girl named Rhoda recognizes his voice and is so overjoyed that she forgets to open the door and runs to tell the others. The believers gathered there initially doubt Rhoda’s report, thinking it must be Peter’s angel or spirit, but Peter continues knocking until they finally open the door and see him for themselves. They are amazed and filled with joy at Peter’s miraculous deliverance.

Peter shares with the believers how the Lord has brought him out of prison, and he instructs them to inform James (the brother of Jesus) and the other believers about what has happened.

The story of Peter’s deliverance from prison is a powerful demonstration of God’s intervention on behalf of His people, His faithfulness to answer prayer, and His ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. It also underscores the importance of fervent prayer and trust in God’s providence during times of trial and persecution.


The story of peter being delivered from prison – पतरस को जेल से छुड़ाए जाने की कहानी

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