Bible Stories

The story of paul’s shipwreck off malta – माल्टा में पॉल के जहाज़ की तबाही की कहानी

The story of Paul’s shipwreck off Malta is found in the Bible in the book of Acts, chapter 27-28. Paul, a prisoner on his way to Rome to stand trial, was traveling by ship across the Mediterranean Sea. Despite Paul’s warnings of danger, the crew set sail during the stormy season. A violent storm hit, and the ship was caught in its grip for several days. The sailors threw cargo overboard to lighten the load, but the situation grew worse. Eventually, the ship ran aground on a sandbar off the coast of the island of Malta.

The ship was broken apart by the strong waves, but all aboard managed to swim or float to safety. The people of Malta showed kindness to Paul and the survivors.

While gathering firewood, Paul was bitten by a venomous snake, but he shook it off into the fire and remained unharmed. The islanders, seeing that Paul was not harmed, believed he had special powers.

During his time on Malta, Paul performed many miracles, including healing the island chief’s father. After three months, they set sail again and eventually reached Rome, where Paul continued his ministry. The shipwreck and Paul’s survival were seen as a sign of God’s protection and purpose for his mission.


The story of paul’s shipwreck off malta – माल्टा में पॉल के जहाज़ की तबाही की कहानी

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