Bible Stories

The story of paul’s shipwreck – पॉल के जहाज़ की तबाही की कहानी

The story of Paul’s shipwreck is narrated in the Book of Acts in the New Testament, specifically in Acts 27. It is one of the dramatic events in the life of the Apostle Paul during his missionary journeys.

Paul, as a Roman prisoner, was on a ship sailing from Caesarea to Rome, where he had appealed to Caesar. The journey took place under challenging weather conditions, and despite Paul’s warning about the dangers of continuing the voyage, the centurion in charge decided to proceed.

The ship encountered a severe storm known as the “northeaster.” The crew struggled to control the ship, and the situation became increasingly dire. Acts 27:20 vividly describes the intensity of the storm: “When neither sun nor stars appeared for many days and the storm continued raging, we finally gave up all hope of being saved.”

During this crisis, an angel of the Lord appeared to Paul, assuring him that everyone on board the ship would be saved, but the ship would be lost. Paul shared this message of assurance and urged the crew to stay on the ship, promising that none of them would perish.

As the ship approached land, the sailors tried to escape in a small boat, but Paul warned that their safety depended on staying with the ship. Following Paul’s advice, all 276 people on board safely reached the island of Malta after the shipwreck.

The story of Paul’s shipwreck is often seen as more than a historical account. It is also interpreted metaphorically, symbolizing the resilience and protection of God in the face of life’s storms and trials.


The story of paul’s shipwreck – पॉल के जहाज़ की तबाही की कहानी

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