Bible Stories

The story of paul preaching in rome – रोम में पॉल के उपदेश की कहानी

The story of Paul preaching in Rome is found in the New Testament book of Acts, particularly in chapters 27 and 28.

After Paul’s arrest in Jerusalem and subsequent trials, he appealed to Caesar as a Roman citizen. As a result, he was sent to Rome to stand trial before Caesar. Accompanied by some other prisoners and a Roman centurion named Julius, Paul embarked on a journey by ship to Rome.

During the voyage, they encountered a severe storm, and the ship was eventually wrecked on the island of Malta. However, all those on board, including Paul, safely reached the shore, thanks to God’s intervention.

Once on the island, Paul and the others received kind treatment from the local inhabitants. Paul was even involved in a miraculous healing when he laid hands on Publius, the chief official of the island, whose father was sick. This led to Paul being highly respected and honored by the people of Malta.

After spending three months on the island, Paul and his companions finally set sail for Rome on another ship. They eventually arrived in Rome, where Paul was allowed to live under guard in his own rented house.

While in Rome, Paul wasted no time in sharing the message of Jesus Christ. Despite being under house arrest, he received visitors and continued to preach and teach about Jesus to both Jews and Gentiles.

The book of Acts concludes with Paul boldly proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ without hindrance, despite his imprisonment. This underscores the resilience of Paul’s faith and the unstoppable spread of the gospel message, even in the face of adversity.


The story of paul preaching in rome – रोम में पॉल के उपदेश की कहानी

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