Bible Stories

The story of paul escaping from a mob – पॉल की भीड़ से भागने की कहानी

The story of Paul escaping from a mob is found in the New Testament, specifically in the Book of Acts, chapter 21, verses 27-40.

Paul, a prominent figure in the early Christian church, had been traveling and preaching the Gospel extensively, facing both acceptance and persecution. On this occasion, Paul had returned to Jerusalem and was at the temple to perform a purification ritual along with some other Jewish Christians.

Some Jews from Asia, upon seeing Paul in the temple, stirred up a crowd and accused him of defiling the temple by bringing Gentiles into it. The whole city was aroused, and people seized Paul, dragging him out of the temple, intending to kill him. The uproar was so great that the whole city was in confusion.

As the mob was trying to kill Paul, word reached the commander of the Roman troops stationed in Jerusalem. He immediately took soldiers and centurions and rushed down to the crowd. When the mob saw the commander and his soldiers, they stopped beating Paul.

The commander arrested Paul and ordered him to be bound with two chains. Paul asked the commander if he could speak to the crowd, and the commander allowed it. Standing on the steps, Paul motioned to the people, and when they were all silent, he addressed them in Aramaic.

Paul explained his background as a Jew and his conversion to Christianity. He recounted his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus and his commission to preach to the Gentiles. Paul’s speech angered the crowd again, and they shouted for his death.The commander ordered Paul to be taken into the barracks to be interrogated by flogging, but when Paul revealed he was a Roman citizen, the commander decided to postpone further action.

This incident demonstrates the hostility Paul faced from both Jews and Gentiles as he preached the Gospel. It also highlights the role of Roman authorities in maintaining order and protecting Paul’s life. Paul’s citizenship allowed him legal protections that prevented immediate harm.

Overall, this event illustrates Paul’s commitment to sharing the Gospel despite opposition and the providential interventions that protected him in dangerous situations.


The story of paul escaping from a mob –

पॉल की भीड़ से भागने की कहानी

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