Bible Stories

The story of paul appearing before king agrippa – राजा अग्रिप्पा के सामने पॉल की उपस्थिति की कहानी

The story of Paul appearing before King Agrippa is found in the New Testament of the Bible, specifically in the Book of Acts, chapter 25 through chapter 26. 

After being arrested in Jerusalem, Paul, a prominent Christian leader and missionary, is sent to Caesarea Maritima to stand trial before the Roman governor, Felix. He spends two years in prison awaiting trial.

Felix is succeeded by Porcius Festus as the governor of Judea. Festus, wanting to do the Jewish leaders a favor, decides to bring Paul’s case before King Agrippa II, who is visiting Caesarea with his sister Bernice.

Festus presents Paul’s case to King Agrippa, explaining that the Jews accuse Paul of wrongdoing but have not proven their charges. Agrippa expresses his interest in hearing Paul’s defense, and Paul is brought before him.

Standing before King Agrippa, Paul delivers a powerful defense of his faith and his ministry. He recounts his early life as a devout Pharisee and his persecution of Christians before his conversion to Christianity on the road to Damascus. Paul describes how Jesus appeared to him and called him to be an apostle to the Gentiles.

Paul appeals directly to King Agrippa, asking him if he believes the prophets. He then declares that he is on trial for preaching the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the hope of Israel.

King Agrippa acknowledges Paul’s eloquence but remarks that Paul’s arguments are almost persuading him to become a Christian. Agrippa and Festus agree that Paul has done nothing deserving of death or imprisonment, but because Paul has appealed to Caesar, he will be sent to Rome to stand trial before the emperor.

As a Roman citizen, Paul exercises his right to appeal to Caesar and is therefore sent to Rome under guard. Along the way, Paul continues to preach the gospel and encourage fellow believers.

The encounter between Paul and King Agrippa demonstrates Paul’s boldness in proclaiming the gospel and his willingness to defend his faith before rulers and authorities. It also highlights the role of divine providence in Paul’s journey to Rome, where he ultimately fulfills his mission to testify about Jesus Christ.


The story of paul appearing before king agrippa – राजा अग्रिप्पा के सामने पॉल की उपस्थिति की कहानी

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