Bible Stories

The story of paul and barnabas – पॉल और बरनबास की कहानी

The story of Paul and Barnabas is found primarily in the New Testament, particularly in the book of Acts, chapters 11 through 15.

Saul, later known as Paul, was a persecutor of Christians until his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, which led to his conversion. Barnabas was a respected leader in the early Christian community in Jerusalem.

Barnabas, recognizing Paul’s sincerity and conversion, introduced him to the other apostles in Jerusalem and vouched for him.

The church in Antioch sent Barnabas and Paul on a missionary journey to spread the gospel. Their first journey took them to Cyprus and various cities in Asia Minor, where they preached and established churches.

In many cities, they faced opposition from both Jews and Gentiles. They performed miracles, and many people believed, but others stirred up trouble.

In Lystra, Paul healed a man who had been crippled from birth, leading the people to think they were gods. Despite Paul’s efforts to redirect their worship toward God, the crowds still attempted to offer sacrifices to them. In Iconium, they faced similar opposition but continued preaching boldly.

After their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas returned to Antioch. A dispute arose in Antioch regarding whether Gentile converts needed to be circumcised and follow Jewish customs. Paul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem to consult with the apostles and elders about this issue. At the council, it was decided that Gentile believers did not need to be circumcised but should abstain from certain practices.

Paul and Barnabas decided to revisit the cities they had visited on their first journey, but they disagreed about whether to take John Mark with them. Barnabas wanted to take John Mark, but Paul did not, as John Mark had left them during their first journey. As a result, Barnabas took John Mark and sailed to Cyprus, while Paul chose Silas as his companion and went through Syria and Cilicia.

Both Paul and Barnabas continued their missionary work separately. Despite their disagreement, both remained committed to spreading the gospel and establishing churches.

Paul and Barnabas played significant roles in the early spread of Christianity, particularly among the Gentiles. Their journeys and experiences helped shape the early Christian community and laid the foundation for the expansion of the church beyond Jewish boundaries.


The story of paul and barnabas – पॉल और बरनबास की कहानी

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