Bible Stories

The story of parable of the talents – प्रतिभाओं के दृष्टांत की कहानी

The Parable of the Talents is a teaching attributed to Jesus and is found in the Gospel of Matthew 25:14–30. It is one of the well-known parables that conveys important lessons about stewardship, accountability, and the kingdom of heaven. 

A man, before going on a journey, calls his servants and entrusts his property to them. To each servant, he gives a certain number of talents, a unit of currency in biblical times. The number of talents given to each servant varies according to their ability.

The first servant receives five talents and immediately goes to work, trading and investing, and gains an additional five talents. The second servant receives two talents and also engages in trade, doubling his talents to four. The third servant, who receives one talent, buries it in the ground for safekeeping, out of fear of losing it.

After a long time, the master returns and settles accounts with his servants. The first servant joyfully presents the original five talents along with the additional five he gained. The second servant similarly presents the original two talents and the additional two he gained.

The master commends the first two servants, saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”

The third servant, however, presents only the original talent, explaining that he buried it because he was afraid. The master is displeased, calling the servant wicked and lazy. The talent is taken from him and given to the servant with ten talents.

The parable concludes with the famous saying: “For whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.”

The parable illustrates the importance of using one’s abilities and resources for productive and fruitful purposes. It conveys the idea that believers are accountable to God for how they use the gifts and resources entrusted to them. The parable encourages faithful stewardship, diligent work, and a willingness to invest in the service of God’s kingdom.

The Parable of the Talents serves as a lesson about the responsibility of believers to use their God-given abilities and resources wisely for the advancement of God’s purposes. It emphasizes the reward for faithfulness and the consequences of neglecting or misusing the gifts entrusted to them.


The story of parable of the talents – प्रतिभाओं के दृष्टांत की कहानी

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