Bible Stories

The story of noah and the great flood – नूह और महान बाढ़ की कहानी

The story of Noah and the Great Flood is one of the most well-known accounts in the Bible, found in the Book of Genesis, chapters 6-9. 

As humanity multiplied on the earth, their wickedness and evil actions increased, grieving God and prompting His decision to cleanse the earth. Among all the people, Noah was a righteous man who found favor in God’s eyes. He was described as blameless and walked faithfully with God.

God instructed Noah to build an ark, a large boat, to save himself, his family, and pairs of every kind of animal from the coming flood. God gave specific instructions regarding the dimensions and construction of the ark. Noah was to bring into the ark two of every kind of living creature, male and female, along with seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, to preserve their species during the flood. Noah was also to gather enough food for his family and the animals.

When Noah finished building the ark, he, his wife, his three sons (Shem, Ham, and Japheth), and their wives entered the ark. God then shut them in. The floodwaters came upon the earth as God had said, with rain falling for forty days and forty nights. The waters rose and covered even the highest mountains, destroying all living beings outside the ark. The waters prevailed on the earth for 150 days before they began to recede.

The ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat. As the waters continued to recede, Noah sent out a raven and then a dove to see if the land was dry. The dove returned with an olive leaf, indicating that the waters had abated. God instructed Noah and his family to leave the ark and release the animals so they could repopulate the earth.

God made a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy all life on earth with a flood again. As a sign of this covenant, God set a rainbow in the sky, symbolizing His promise to humanity and all living creatures.

The story of the flood illustrates God’s judgment against sin and wickedness but also His mercy in providing a way of salvation for Noah and his family.

Noah’s faith in God is demonstrated by his obedience to God’s instructions, even when the task seemed immense and the reasons were not fully clear.

God’s covenant with Noah after the flood establishes a foundational promise for all humanity, highlighting His commitment to preserving life.

The flood represents a cleansing of the old, corrupt world and a new beginning for creation, with Noah’s family serving as a fresh start for humanity.

The rainbow serves as a symbol of hope, reminding us of God’s enduring promise and faithfulness.

The story of Noah and the Great Flood emphasizes the themes of judgment, salvation, faith, and covenant, offering profound lessons about the nature of God and the importance of righteous living.


The story of noah and the great flood – नूह और महान बाढ़ की कहानी

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