Bible Stories

The story of nehemiah building the wall – नहेमायाह द्वारा दीवार बनाने की कहानी

The story of Nehemiah building the wall is found in the Old Testament, specifically in the Book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah, a cupbearer to King Artaxerxes I of Persia, received news about the dire condition of the walls of Jerusalem. The walls had been broken down, leaving the city vulnerable and in a state of disgrace. This news deeply troubled Nehemiah, and he sought the Lord’s guidance on how to address the situation.

Nehemiah prayed to God for forgiveness for the sins of the people of Israel and asked for favor in approaching the king to seek permission to go to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls.

God granted Nehemiah favor in the eyes of King Artaxerxes, who not only allowed him to go to Jerusalem but also provided materials for the rebuilding.

Upon arriving in Jerusalem, Nehemiah secretly assessed the condition of the walls and gathered leaders to share his vision for rebuilding. The people responded with enthusiasm, and the work began.

As the rebuilding progressed, enemies of the Israelites, including Sanballat and Tobiah, opposed the project. They mocked and conspired against Nehemiah and the workers.

Despite the opposition, Nehemiah encouraged the people to persevere. He organized the workers into groups, assigning them specific sections of the wall to rebuild and assigning others to stand guard against potential attacks.

Through determined effort, strategic planning, and reliance on God, the wall was completed in an astonishingly short time—52 days.

Once the wall was completed, Nehemiah organized a dedication ceremony. The people gathered to hear the reading of the Law by Ezra, and they committed themselves to follow God’s commands.

The rebuilding of the physical wall was accompanied by spiritual renewal among the people. They repented of their sins, committed to obeying God’s commands, and renewed their covenant with Him.

The story of Nehemiah’s wall-building project is often seen as a powerful example of leadership, perseverance, and reliance on God. Nehemiah’s prayerful approach, strategic leadership, and commitment to both the physical and spiritual well-being of Jerusalem make this narrative a source of inspiration for those facing challenges or engaged in rebuilding efforts. It also emphasizes the importance of community, prayer, and dependence on God in the face of opposition.


The story of nehemiah building the wall – नहेमायाह द्वारा दीवार बनाने की कहानी

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