Bible Stories

The story of nabal and abigail – नाबाल और अबीगैल की कहानी

The story of Nabal and Abigail is found in the First Book of Samuel in the Old Testament of the Bible. Nabal, whose name means “fool” in Hebrew, was a wealthy man living in the region of Maon. Abigail, his wife, is described as intelligent and beautiful. David, who would later become the king of Israel, was on the run from King Saul, who was seeking to kill him out of jealousy.

During his time in the wilderness, David and his men provided protection for shepherds and flocks, including those belonging to Nabal. When it was time for shearing the sheep, a customary time of celebration and feasting, David sent a message to Nabal requesting provisions and kindness in return for the protection his men had provided.

However, Nabal responded harshly, refusing David’s request and insulting him. Angered by Nabal’s response, David decided to take matters into his own hands and set out with his men to confront Nabal and take vengeance.

Meanwhile, Abigail, upon learning of her husband’s actions and realizing the danger they were in due to David’s anger, took decisive action. Without informing Nabal, she gathered a generous amount of provisions and went out to meet David and his men.

In a humble and wise manner, Abigail approached David, acknowledging his anointing as the future king and expressing regret for Nabal’s behavior. She presented the provisions and pleaded with David to spare her household from the impending disaster that his anger might bring.

Impressed by Abigail’s wisdom and humility, David recognized that God had sent her to prevent him from taking revenge. He praised her discernment and accepted the provisions, deciding to turn away from the path of vengeance.

When Abigail returned home, she found Nabal feasting and drunk. She wisely chose to delay telling him about her encounter with David until the next morning when he was sober. Upon hearing the story, Nabal was struck with fear and became like a stone. About ten days later, the Lord struck Nabal, and he died.

Upon Nabal’s death, David sent a proposal to Abigail, and she became his wife.

This story is often seen as an account of wisdom, humility, and the consequences of one’s actions. Abigail’s intervention is particularly highlighted as an act of righteousness that prevented bloodshed and brought about a favorable outcome for David and his men.


The story of nabal and abigail – नाबाल और अबीगैल की कहानी

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