Bible Stories

The story of mount sinai and the giving of the ten commandments – माउंट सिनाई की कहानी और दस आज्ञाएँ देने की कहानी

The story of Mount Sinai and the giving of the Ten Commandments is a pivotal event in the biblical narrative, found in the Book of Exodus. 

After the Israelites escaped from slavery in Egypt, led by Moses, they journeyed through the wilderness until they arrived at Mount Sinai. It was here that God chose to reveal Himself to the people and establish a covenant with them.

Moses went up the mountain to speak with God, who instructed him to remind the people of all the ways in which He had delivered them from bondage and cared for them. God then revealed His presence on the mountain with thunder, lightning, a thick cloud, and the sound of a trumpet, causing the mountain to tremble.

In this awe-inspiring setting, God spoke the Ten Commandments aloud to the people, summarizing the ethical and moral principles by which they were to live. The commandments covered various aspects of human conduct, including worshiping God alone, honoring parents, abstaining from murder, theft, adultery, and bearing false witness.

The people were filled with fear and asked Moses to speak to God on their behalf, fearing that His direct presence would consume them. Moses reassured them and went up the mountain to receive further instructions from God.

God continued to impart laws and ordinances to Moses, including guidelines for worship, justice, and social conduct, which were recorded in the Torah. Moses spent forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai, receiving these divine instructions.

When Moses descended from the mountain with the tablets of the law, he found that the Israelites had fallen into idolatry, worshiping a golden calf. In his anger, Moses smashed the tablets, symbolizing the breach of the covenant caused by the people’s disobedience.

Despite this setback, God reaffirmed His covenant with the Israelites and instructed Moses to carve new tablets of stone, upon which He would rewrite the commandments. Through this event, the Ten Commandments became central to Israelite identity and law, serving as the foundation of their religious and moral code.


The story of mount sinai and the giving of the ten commandments –

माउंट सिनाई की कहानी और दस आज्ञाएँ देने की कहानी

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