Bible Stories

The story of moses and the egyptian slave master – मूसा और मिस्र के दास स्वामी की कहानी

The story of Moses and the Egyptian slave master is one of the early defining moments in Moses’ life and is found in the Book of Exodus in the Bible, specifically in Exodus 2:11-15. This story marks the first major event in Moses’ journey toward becoming a leader of the Israelites and leading them out of Egypt.

Moses was born to a Hebrew family during a time when the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. To save him from being killed by the Pharaoh’s order to kill all male Hebrew infants, Moses’ mother placed him in a basket and set him afloat on the Nile River. He was found and adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter, allowing him to be raised in the Egyptian royal household.

As an adult, Moses was aware of his Hebrew heritage. He went out to observe his people’s burdens and saw how the Egyptians were mistreating the Israelites. He witnessed the harsh treatment of his fellow Hebrews firsthand.

One day, while observing the plight of his people, Moses saw an Egyptian slave master beating a Hebrew slave. Outraged by the injustice, Moses intervened and struck the Egyptian, killing him. Moses then hid the body in the sand to conceal his action.

The next day, when Moses went out again, he saw two Hebrew men fighting. He tried to intervene, asking the aggressor why he was striking his fellow Hebrew. The aggressor questioned Moses’ authority, asking if he planned to kill him as he had killed the Egyptian.

Realizing that his action had become known and fearing for his life, Moses fled from Egypt. He went to the land of Midian, where he would later start a new chapter of his life and ultimately be called by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt.

This incident represents a turning point in Moses’ life, marking the beginning of his journey as a leader and liberator of the Israelites. It also demonstrates Moses’ strong sense of justice and compassion for his people, which would continue to guide him throughout his life.


The story of moses and the egyptian slave master – मूसा और मिस्र के दास स्वामी की कहानी

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