Bible Stories

The story of mordecai and esther – मोर्दकै और एस्तेर की कहानी

The story of Mordecai and Esther is found in the biblical book of Esther, which takes place during the Persian Empire. 

The Persian king, Ahasuerus (Xerxes I), held a grand banquet to display his wealth and power. During the festivities, he commanded his queen, Vashti, to appear before the guests, but she refused. This disobedience led to Vashti’s removal as queen.

In search of a new queen, the king’s officials selected beautiful young women from across the empire, including Esther, a Jewish orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai. Esther found favor with the king and was chosen as his new queen. However, she concealed her Jewish identity at Mordecai’s instruction.

While serving at the king’s gate, Mordecai overheard a plot to assassinate the king. He reported the conspiracy, and the king’s life was saved. However, Mordecai’s deed was initially not recognized or rewarded.

Haman, a high-ranking official in the king’s court, became enraged when Mordecai refused to bow down to him. Seeking revenge not only against Mordecai but against all the Jews, Haman convinced the king to issue a decree authorizing the extermination of the Jewish people throughout the empire.

Upon learning of the decree, Mordecai urged Esther to use her position as queen to intercede with the king on behalf of her people. Esther initially hesitated, fearing for her own life if she approached the king without being summoned. However, after fasting and prayer, she decided to take action, declaring, “If I perish, I perish.”

Esther invited the king and Haman to a series of banquets. At the second banquet, she revealed her Jewish heritage and pleaded for her people’s lives. Enraged, the king demanded to know who was responsible for the decree.

Haman’s treachery was exposed, and the king ordered him to be executed on the same gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. Mordecai was honored by the king for his earlier service, and a new decree was issued allowing the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies.

The Jewish people rallied together, defended themselves against their attackers, and emerged victorious. The day of their deliverance was commemorated as the festival of Purim, celebrated annually by Jews around the world.

The story of Mordecai and Esther is celebrated for its themes of courage, faithfulness, and divine providence, illustrating how even individuals in seemingly powerless positions can make a difference and bring about salvation for their people.


The story of mordecai and esther – मोर्दकै और एस्तेर की कहानी

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