Bible Stories

The story of micaiah the prophet – मीकायाह पैगंबर की कहानी

The story of Micaiah the Prophet is recounted in the Old Testament, particularly in the Books of Kings. Micaiah is mentioned in 1 Kings 22 and 2 Chronicles 18.
During the reign of King Ahab of Israel and King Jehoshaphat of Judah, there was a proposal to go to war against Ramoth Gilead. King Jehoshaphat suggested consulting the prophets to seek God’s guidance before going into battle.

King Ahab assembled about 400 prophets who unanimously prophesied success and victory in the upcoming battle. However, Jehoshaphat was skeptical and inquired if there was another prophet of the Lord they could consult. Ahab mentioned Micaiah, but he expressed Ahab’s dislike because Micaiah never prophesied anything good concerning him.

Reluctantly, Micaiah was summoned, and when asked about the outcome of the battle, he initially sarcastically echoed the positive prophecies of the other prophets. However, when pressed, Micaiah revealed a vision in which he saw the Lord sitting on His throne and a host of angels around Him. In the vision, a spirit volunteered to deceive Ahab’s prophets, and God allowed it to unfold.

Micaiah explained that the false prophets’ messages were influenced by this deceiving spirit, and the outcome of the battle would not be as they predicted. Ahab would fall in battle, and Israel would be scattered. Despite this dire prediction, Ahab chose to ignore Micaiah’s words and proceeded with the war.

In the ensuing battle, Ahab disguised himself, thinking to avoid the fate foretold by Micaiah. However, a random arrow struck Ahab between the joints of his armor, causing a mortal wound. Ahab died as prophesied, and the prophecy given through Micaiah came to pass.

The story of Micaiah illustrates the contrast between false prophets who spoke what people wanted to hear and the true prophet of the Lord who delivered a message irrespective of its popularity. Micaiah’s boldness and faithfulness in delivering an unpopular message underscore the importance of seeking and heeding genuine divine guidance rather than succumbing to deceptive or self-serving prophecies.


The story of micaiah the prophet – मीकायाह पैगंबर की कहानी

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