Bible Stories

The story of king nebuchadnezzar’s dream – राजा नबूकदनेस्सर के स्वप्न की कहानी

The story of King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream about a strange statue is a well-known account from the Bible, specifically in the Book of Daniel, chapter 2.

King Nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of Babylon, had a troubling dream one night that left him deeply disturbed. However, when he awoke, he could not remember the details of the dream, only that it had filled him with fear. Desperate to understand its meaning, he summoned all the wise men of his kingdom—magicians, astrologers, and sorcerers—and demanded that they not only interpret the dream but also tell him what the dream was.

The wise men were bewildered, as no one had ever asked such a thing before. They explained that it was impossible for them to tell the king his dream and then interpret it without knowing what it was. Furious with their response, Nebuchadnezzar ordered that all the wise men of Babylon be put to death.

Among the wise men of Babylon was Daniel, a young Hebrew captive known for his wisdom and ability to interpret dreams. When Daniel learned of the king’s decree, he sought an audience with Nebuchadnezzar and requested some time to pray and seek the answer from God.

That night, God revealed the dream and its interpretation to Daniel in a vision. The next day, Daniel appeared before the king and not only recounted the dream in detail but also provided its meaning.

Daniel described the dream to Nebuchadnezzar: The king had seen a massive and imposing statue. The statue had a head made of pure gold, its chest and arms were made of silver, its belly and thighs were made of bronze, its legs were of iron, and its feet were a mixture of iron and clay.

In the dream, a stone—cut out, but not by human hands—came and struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay. The statue shattered into pieces, and the wind blew the fragments away, leaving no trace. However, the stone that struck the statue grew into a great mountain that filled the entire earth.

Daniel then explained the meaning of the dream. The statue represented a succession of world empires, starting with Nebuchadnezzar’s Babylonian kingdom, symbolized by the head of gold. After Babylon, other kingdoms would arise:

– The chest and arms of silver represented the Medo-Persian Empire.
– The belly and thighs of bronze symbolized the Greek Empire under Alexander the Great.
– The legs of iron represented the Roman Empire, known for its strength and power.
– The feet of iron mixed with clay signified a divided kingdom, partially strong and partially fragile.

The stone that struck the statue represented God’s kingdom, which would eventually destroy all the earthly kingdoms and establish an everlasting dominion that would never be destroyed.

Upon hearing the dream and its interpretation, King Nebuchadnezzar was awestruck. He fell prostrate before Daniel and acknowledged the greatness of Daniel’s God, who could reveal such mysteries. Nebuchadnezzar then promoted Daniel to a high position in his kingdom and honored him with many gifts. Daniel’s friends—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—were also promoted to positions of authority in Babylon.

This story highlights the sovereignty of God over human kingdoms and His ability to reveal the future. It also emphasizes the ultimate triumph of God’s eternal kingdom over all earthly powers.


The story of king nebuchadnezzar’s dream – राजा नबूकदनेस्सर के स्वप्न की कहानी

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