Bible Stories

The story of judgment of king solomon – राजा सुलैमान के न्याय की कहानी

The Judgment of King Solomon is a well-known biblical narrative that illustrates King Solomon’s renowned wisdom. The story is found in the First Book of Kings in the Old Testament, specifically in 1 Kings 3:16-28.

Solomon, the son of King David, is known for his great wisdom. Early in his reign as king of Israel, he prays to God for wisdom to govern the people justly.

Two women come to Solomon with a baby, each claiming to be the child’s mother. One woman explains that they both live in the same house and gave birth to sons within days of each other. However, one woman’s baby died, and now both women are claiming the surviving baby as their own.

Solomon proposes a solution to identify the real mother. He suggests cutting the living baby in half and giving each woman half of the child.

One woman immediately agrees to Solomon’s proposal, seemingly indifferent to the fate of the child. The other woman, in an act of selfless love, begs Solomon not to harm the baby and to give him to the other woman if it would save his life.

Solomon, recognizing the true mother’s love and sacrifice, declares her as the rightful mother. He orders that the baby be given to the woman who pleaded for his life.

The people of Israel are astonished by Solomon’s wisdom and discernment. They recognize that God has granted Solomon exceptional insight to render just judgments.

The story of the Judgment of King Solomon is often cited as an example of wise and fair leadership. It highlights Solomon’s ability to discern the true mother based on the depth of maternal love. The narrative serves as a testament to the wisdom attributed to King Solomon in biblical tradition.


The story of judgment of king solomon – राजा सुलैमान के न्याय की कहानी

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