Bible Stories

The story of joseph’s older brothers coming to egypt – यूसुफ के बड़े भाइयों के मिस्र आने की कहानी

The story of Joseph’s older brothers coming to Egypt is a pivotal part of the biblical narrative found in Genesis chapters 42-45.

After Joseph’s brothers had sold him into slavery and he had risen to prominence in Egypt, a severe famine struck the land, affecting not only Egypt but also the surrounding regions, including Canaan, where Joseph’s family lived.

The famine was so severe that Jacob (Israel) sent his sons to Egypt to buy grain. He kept Benjamin, Joseph’s full brother, with him, fearing for his safety.

The ten brothers traveled to Egypt to buy grain, not knowing that the governor of the land was their brother Joseph. Joseph, now the vizier of Egypt, was in charge of the grain distribution.

When Joseph saw his brothers, he recognized them immediately, but they did not recognize him. He remembered the dreams he had about them bowing down to him.

Joseph decided to test his brothers’ integrity. He accused them of being spies and imprisoned them for three days. Afterward, he released them, but kept Simeon as a hostage, demanding that they return with their youngest brother, Benjamin.

As they traveled back, the brothers discussed their past sins, particularly the way they had treated Joseph. Reuben reminded them that they had been guilty of shedding innocent blood.

Back home, the brothers explained their predicament to Jacob, who was hesitant to send Benjamin with them. However, the need for grain was urgent, and they had no choice but to return to Egypt with Benjamin.

When the brothers returned to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph hosted them at his house. He had their feet washed, gave them food, and even seated them according to their ages. The brothers were astonished and confused by his kindness.

Joseph arranged for his silver cup to be placed in Benjamin’s sack. When the brothers left, Joseph sent his servants to retrieve the cup, accusing them of stealing it. The brothers returned to Egypt, and Judah pleaded with Joseph, offering himself as a slave in Benjamin’s place.

Moved by their repentance and the sight of Benjamin, Joseph could no longer contain his emotions. He revealed his identity to his brothers, saying, “I am Joseph! Is my father still living?” His brothers were terrified, but Joseph reassured them, telling them not to be distressed or angry with themselves for selling him, because God had sent him ahead of them to preserve life.

Joseph invited his family to come to Egypt, providing them with the best land in Egypt, the region of Goshen. He embraced his brothers, weeping with joy, and they were reconciled.

Joseph’s brothers settled in Egypt, and the family reunited with Jacob, who was overjoyed to see Joseph alive. Joseph’s foresight and forgiveness not only saved his family from starvation but also fulfilled God’s plan to preserve the lineage of Israel.

This story illustrates themes of forgiveness, divine providence, and reconciliation, showcasing how God can turn even the worst circumstances into a means of blessing and salvation.


The story of joseph’s older brothers coming to egypt – यूसुफ के बड़े भाइयों के मिस्र आने की कहानी

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