Bible Stories

The story of joseph’s brothers’ going to egypt – यूसुफ के भाइयों के मिस्र जाने की कहानी

The story of Joseph’s brothers going to Egypt is a pivotal narrative in the Book of Genesis, specifically in Genesis chapters 42 through 45. It is part of the larger story of Joseph, one of the twelve sons of Jacob (also called Israel).

Joseph, who had been sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, had risen to a position of authority in Egypt, second only to Pharaoh himself. He had interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, predicting seven years of abundance followed by seven years of famine.

As Joseph had foretold, a severe famine struck the region, affecting not only Egypt but also the neighboring lands, including Canaan, where Jacob and his sons lived.

In Canaan, Jacob (Israel) learned that there was grain available in Egypt. He sent ten of his sons (excluding Benjamin, Joseph’s full brother) to Egypt to buy grain, while he kept Benjamin at home, fearing for his safety.

When Joseph’s brothers arrived in Egypt to buy grain, they came before Joseph but did not recognize him, as he had changed significantly since they had last seen him.

Joseph decided to test his brothers to see if they had changed and if they had any remorse for their past actions. He accused them of being spies and detained Simeon as a hostage, instructing them to return with their youngest brother, Benjamin, as proof of their innocence.

Jacob was initially hesitant to send Benjamin to Egypt, as he feared for his safety. However, the famine grew worse, and they had no choice but to return to Egypt with Benjamin in order to buy more grain.

When the brothers returned to Egypt with Benjamin, Joseph was deeply moved. He revealed his true identity to them and forgave them for their earlier betrayal. He explained that God had used their actions to save many lives during the famine.

Joseph reconciled with his brothers, and they were reunited. Pharaoh extended an invitation to Jacob and his family to come to Egypt and live in the land of Goshen, where they could find sustenance during the famine.

Jacob and his entire family, including his sons and their households, relocated to Egypt. They settled in the land of Goshen and prospered under Joseph’s care.

The story of Joseph’s brothers going to Egypt is a powerful narrative of forgiveness, reconciliation, and the realization of God’s providence. It also sets the stage for the eventual migration of the Israelites to Egypt, where they would become enslaved and lay the foundation for the Exodus, a central event in the biblical narrative.


The story of joseph’s brothers’ going to egypt – यूसुफ के भाइयों के मिस्र जाने की कहानी

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