Bible Stories

The story of joseph selling corn for land to pharaoh – यूसुफ द्वारा फ़राओ को ज़मीन के बदले अनाज बेचने की कहानी

The story of Joseph selling corn for land to Pharaoh comes from the Bible, specifically the book of Genesis, chapters 41 and 47. It centers on Joseph, who, after being sold into slavery by his brothers, rises to a position of authority in Egypt due to his ability to interpret dreams. He becomes Pharaoh’s advisor and is appointed in charge of storing grain during seven years of abundance, anticipating the seven years of famine that would follow.

After interpreting Pharaoh’s dream about seven fat cows and seven lean cows (representing years of plenty followed by years of famine), Joseph is put in charge of preparing Egypt for the impending scarcity. He organizes a vast storage system for grain collected during the years of abundance.

When the famine arrives, it affects not only Egypt but also neighboring regions. People from all over come to Egypt to buy grain, including Joseph’s own family from Canaan.

Initially, people buy grain with money. However, as the famine drags on, they exhaust their money and begin offering livestock in exchange for food. Eventually, when they have nothing left, the people of Egypt come to Joseph and offer their land and even themselves as servants to Pharaoh in exchange for sustenance.

Through this process, Joseph acquires all the land in Egypt for Pharaoh, except for the land of the priests, who received a separate allowance. By the end of the famine, Pharaoh owns nearly all property, and the people are grateful to Joseph for keeping them alive, despite their servitude.

As a result of this transaction, Joseph institutes a law that requires the people to give a fifth (20%) of their produce to Pharaoh. This taxation system continues as a part of Egyptian law, effectively making Pharaoh the wealthiest and most powerful individual in Egypt.

This story illustrates Joseph’s wisdom and shrewd management skills, which secure Egypt’s survival through a severe crisis, as well as Pharaoh’s consolidation of power and wealth due to Joseph’s policies.


The story of joseph selling corn for land to pharaoh –

यूसुफ द्वारा फ़राओ को ज़मीन के बदले अनाज बेचने की कहानी

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