Bible Stories

The story of joseph being put into prison – यूसुफ को जेल में डाले जाने की कहानी

The story of Joseph being put into prison is found in the Book of Genesis in the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically in Genesis 39-40.

Joseph, the son of Jacob, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers and taken to Egypt. Despite his circumstances, Joseph gains favor with his master, Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard, and is put in charge of his household.

Potiphar’s wife tries to seduce Joseph, but he refuses her advances out of loyalty to his master and fear of sinning against God. Angered by Joseph’s rejection, Potiphar’s wife falsely accuses him of trying to seduce her and has him thrown into prison.

In prison, Joseph finds favor with the warden, who puts him in charge of the other prisoners. While in prison, Joseph interprets the dreams of two of Pharaoh’s servants, the chief cupbearer, and the chief baker, who are also imprisoned.

Both the chief cupbearer and the chief baker have dreams that trouble them, and Joseph interprets their dreams for them. He tells the chief cupbearer that he will be restored to his position in three days but asks him to remember him and speak to Pharaoh on his behalf when he is restored. Joseph tells the chief baker that he will be executed in three days, which later comes to pass.

Despite Joseph’s accurate interpretation of the dreams, the chief cupbearer forgets about him after he is restored to his position, leaving Joseph languishing in prison for two more years.

The story of Joseph being put into prison is a significant part of his journey and serves as a testament to his faithfulness, integrity, and unwavering trust in God, even in the face of injustice and adversity. It sets the stage for Joseph’s eventual rise to power in Egypt and the fulfillment of God’s plan for him to save his family and the nation of Egypt from famine.


The story of joseph being put into prison – यूसुफ को जेल में डाले जाने की कहानी

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