Bible Stories

The story of job and his sufferings – अय्यूब और उसके कष्टों की कहानी

The story of Job and his afflictions is found in the Old Testament book of Job.  Job is described as a wealthy and righteous man who lived in the land of Uz. He was blessed with abundant livestock, a large family, and a reputation for integrity and piety.

In a heavenly assembly, Satan appears before God, and God boasts about Job’s righteousness. Satan argues that Job is only faithful because God has blessed him abundantly and protects him from harm. Satan challenges God, suggesting that if Job were to face suffering, he would curse God to His face.

God allows Satan to test Job’s faith but puts limits on what Satan can do. Satan unleashes a series of calamities upon Job, causing him to lose his livestock, servants, and all ten of his children in rapid succession. Despite these tragedies, Job remains steadfast in his faith, saying, “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord” (Job 1:21).

Satan then afflicts Job with painful boils from head to toe. Job’s suffering becomes even more severe, and he is reduced to sitting in ashes, scraping his sores with broken pottery.

Three of Job’s friends—Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar—hear of his misfortune and travel to comfort him. Initially, they sit with Job in silence, mourning his suffering. However, when they begin to speak, they offer various explanations for Job’s suffering, suggesting that it must be punishment for some secret sin.

Job vehemently denies any wrongdoing and expresses confusion and frustration over his suffering. He questions why the righteous suffer while the wicked prosper and demands an audience with God to plead his case.

Eventually, God appears to Job in a whirlwind and speaks to him out of the storm. Rather than providing answers to Job’s questions, God challenges Job’s limited understanding and asserts His sovereignty over the universe. Job humbly acknowledges God’s wisdom and power, repenting of his earlier presumption.

After Job’s confession and submission, God restores his fortunes twofold. Job receives new livestock, servants, and family members. He lives to see four generations of descendants and dies, old and full of days.

The story of Job and his afflictions is a profound exploration of human suffering, faith, and the nature of God’s sovereignty. It illustrates the importance of trusting in God’s wisdom and goodness, even in the midst of incomprehensible pain and adversity.


The story of job and his sufferings – अय्यूब और उसके कष्टों की कहानी

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