Bible Stories

The story of jesus’ touch – यीशु के स्पर्श की कहानी

In a small village nestled among the hills of Galilee, there lived a woman who had been suffering from a severe illness for twelve long years. She had tried everything—seen countless doctors, spent all her money on treatments—but nothing worked. Her condition only worsened, and she became an outcast in her community, considered unclean and untouchable. She was overwhelmed with despair, but deep in her heart, she still held onto a flicker of hope.

One day, the news spread through the village that Jesus, the healer from Nazareth, was passing through. The woman had heard of His miraculous healings—how He made the blind see, the lame walk, and even raised the dead. She thought to herself, “If I could only touch His garment, I will be healed.” The hope she had clung to for so long grew stronger, and she knew this might be her last chance for healing.

With renewed determination, she left her home and made her way through the crowded streets. As she approached the throngs of people surrounding Jesus, she hesitated. How could she, an outcast, dare to approach such a holy man? But the hope within her drove her forward. She pushed through the crowd, her eyes fixed on Jesus, and finally, she reached out and touched the edge of His cloak.

In that instant, something extraordinary happened. She felt a surge of power course through her body, and she knew without a doubt that she had been healed. The bleeding stopped, and strength returned to her weary body. Tears filled her eyes as she realized that her suffering had finally ended.

But then, to her surprise, Jesus stopped and turned around. “Who touched Me?” He asked, looking around at the crowd. His disciples were puzzled. “Master, the people are crowding and pressing against You,” they said. “How can You ask who touched You?”

But Jesus persisted, and the woman knew she could not hide any longer. Trembling, she came forward and fell at His feet. She confessed everything—the years of suffering, her desperation, and how she had touched His garment in hope of being healed.

Jesus looked at her with compassion and love. He said, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

The woman left that day not only healed but restored in spirit. She had experienced the power and love of Jesus firsthand. The touch of Jesus had changed her life forever, and she returned to her village with a new story to tell—a story of hope, healing, and faith that would inspire others for generations to come.


The story of jesus’ touch – यीशु के स्पर्श की कहानी

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